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I and Sana's father were here in their garden he was just talking about Sana and him..

S'Dad: You're really rich you know that I envy you look you're kind,respectful,and handsome well honestly I don't care whom Sana will be married of..atleast that man can love my daughter very much... Tell me what you really want to be?
: Doctor

S'Dad: No.. I mean you really want to?

: Pianist.. I want to be a pianist and sing in front of the crowd but its all in the past..

S'Dad: I feel you son I've been in that situation too.. When I was in your age I really want to be an artist but I set aside my dreams and pursue my true fate in my life and I realized that my artists side of me I can make it as my hobby so don't stop to play and face your fate as a doctor and I know you will be a good doctor someday...

He sip his can of beer and...look at me his tipsy I guess.. Now I know where Sana got her habit in drinking not in being clingy but in drinking three bottles or just five cans of beers...

S'Dad: Why did you stop to play by the way .?

: I'm bored and it's because of my mom after she died I'm done with it... I lost everything , confidence and life...

S'Dad: Was your mom sick or something?

: She died in a car accident or should I say hit and run?

S'Dad: O-oh m-mind if you share?

I nodded..

: It was my graduation day mom and I decided to go at the park...but when we crossed the road a car hit us and after that I just saw my mom lying with her own blood I tried to help her but I can't..and the car who hit us ran away..

I looked at Sana's dad why was he trembling??Is It cold?

: Dad are you alright ?

S'Dad: C-continue..

: I- I don't know what to do that time.. I was comatose for 5 months and when I woke up a bad news was told..they said my mom died and her last words was to close the case I got mad I never saw my mom from her last grave I hide my identity I hid in my own shadow...

S'Dad: T-that driver who hit you did you saw the face the car?

: Only the car but the face I didn't my vision that time were blurry..

S'Dad: I'm so sorry

: Why?

S'Dad: Lets just drink..

He was not stopping sipping his beers I tried stopping him but he will resist he's totally drunk.. I decided to carry him at my back and got him inside and I saw Sana and her mom at the living room watching something..

: Excuse M-mom where should I put this man?

SN: Why did you carry him?

S'Mom: Put him down Dahyun I'll manage him upstairs..

: No its okay just tell me where should I put him

S'Mom: Come with me Hyun..ah this old man..

: It's ok mom..

I came along with Sana's mother and put her dad at the bed but he suddenly throw up in my sweater.Sana's mom cleaned it and handed me some clothes..

S'Mom: Wear this and dry up your clothes at Sana's room ok..

: Thanks Mom..

I went to Sana's room and found her lying at her bed busy with her phone.. I went straight to the bathroom and washed my sweater dry it up and fix myself..

After that I layed beside her. I know she's still mad at me.. I'm facing her back so I hugged her and put my head above her ear..

: Hon

She just hummed

: I'm sorry..

She faced me and gave a peck at my lips..

SN: I'm sorry too hon I promise I will never give some attention to that girls I'm sorry..

: It's ok I know you will not do that..

I kissed her forehead down to her nostrils and gave a peck at her lips..

: Goodnight hon I love you..

SN: I love you too..

She close her eyes and sleep so did I..



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