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I and IU unnie were outside Dahyun's room waiting for the squad to come .. Something just came up..


A minute later the squad came...

JY: What happened?

NY: Why were you crying?

SN: Tell me what happened?

IU unnie hold Sana's arm and we led them inside..

When we enter the room Dahyun frowned his eyebrows...

D'dad: You're here..

CH: What happen Tito?

Then suddenly..

DH: Doc.. Who are they?

D'dad: Those are your friends and that girl is your girlfriend..

DH: Girlfriend? Who is she? Are you really sure she is my girlfriend?

D'dad: Her name is Sana..

MN: What happen?

MM: Why didn't he know us?

D'dad: He's now suffering from an amnesia we ran a few test on him and its not a permanent amnesia.. He has a little brain damage..

: But Tito how long would he be like this?

D'dad: Well for now I don't know..

SN: But-

D'dad: Excuse me I have to go back to my work..

DH: Thanks Doc..

Dahyun's dad went out...

JY: Hey what are you doing?

CH: Why did you do this to us..?

DH: I'm sorry but who are you?

: Are you sure you didn't recognize us?

NY: Don't be like this..

MM: Sana will cry all day long..

SN: Yah.

DH: I don't know you all..

Chaeng and Jeong were now tearing up secretly..

CH: Shall I bumped his head?

TZ: Do it..

MN: More problems..

IU: Kid do you know me?

DH: No who are you?

IU: I'm your sister you dumb..

: You know her?

I meant Sana..

DH: No..why are you keep on asking me who you are when I don't know you get out of my room..

DL: We shall go now guys..

When the squad walk towards the door...


DH: It's a prank...

NY: Yahhhh....

I'm now at the hospital and Dahyun was now awake without the squad knowing...

I received a call from his sister she said if I could come to Dahyun's room immediately and just only me..

I arrived at his room and saw him sitting on a wheelchair facing at his windows room..

: Kid..

He faced me and smiled..

DH: Noona..

: Why did you called me and not your girlfriend?

DH: I need help.

JH: Help? Why me?

DH: Please noona.. I'm going to fool them and with the help of you..

: Ok...if your planning a crazy thing I'm out of this..

DH: Noona please...just act like you didn't saw me right now..know nothing..

: Act? Don't tell me...m

DH: Just go with the flow noona..

: Did you hit your head?

DH: Just go to IU noona's office then call the squad that I'm already awake then start the act..

: Fine..fine.. They will kill me from this...

DH: Don't worry I love you...thank you in advance

: You just say I love you when you need something from me..bye good luck..


I'm now thinking one of the squad who shall I call and I choose Nayeon..

NY: Hey Ji where are you?

JH: Nayeon...I'm at the hospital..

I started to changed my voice like I'm crying..

NY: Why are you crying?
JH: Dahyun..

IU unnie was just listening while holding her laughter

NY: Why? What happen?

JH: Go here right now

NY: Oook.. Were coming..

Nayeon unnie said with her worried voice. I can hear them hurrying I ended the call and laugh so loud with IU unnie...

IU: That was awesome..

: I'm dead because of this...

IU: It will be fun..

: I don't know if I can act normal..

IU: Go with the flow and hold your laughter..

:15mn they will be here..

IU: We shall go to dahyun's room right now.. I don't know why Dad agreed to this..

JH: Ahahha right..

We went to Dahyun's room..

IU: They will be here..

DH: Stay outside..act like something bad happens to me..

: Tito will be here ..

DH: Thanks noonas.. I owe you alot..
A minute later the squad came... The show begins..😉


JY: Pabo..

IU unnie and me and Dahyun are just laughing and laughing..

Sana ran to Dahyun and hug him..

SN: Pabo...pabo.. I hate you..

DH: I'm sorry..
: Way I can't take it anymore... We can have the best actors and actresses award bwahahha

IU: Did you saw Chaeng and Jeong cried bwahhahaha

JY: Happy? Yah..

We approached Dahyun and gave us high fives..



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