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No One's POV

Jimin and Irene were with Mark's condo unit discussing about something..

Mark: Did you got some proven shots?

Jimin: Yes Bro a perfect shot to destroy that freak.

Irene: It's not enough we need more than that I need to do something more than that.

Mark: We must send proofs to Sana like images or videos at least what do you think?

Jimin: I have a plan.. We need Joy in this plan call her.


Irene reach her phone at the table and contacted Joy.


Irene: Hey girl I need you we need you actually..Can you?

Joy: What is it?

Irene put her phone in loudspeaker to hear.

Jimin: We need you for this since you were close to Sana's group of friends I want you to do something..Let's have a party at your bar invite all of them especially Dahyun and we will do the rest.

Joy: Wait what are you planning again something bad?? Guys. I love my bar ok..

Mark: Joy

Joy: ok.. make sure that my bar will never in danger on your weird plans and please No Drugs ok..

Mark: Don't worry Joy..

Irene: bye girl thank you in advance

Joy hang up the call

Irene: So what's the flow of these plan?

Jimin : Lets give Dahyun a different drink let's put some drugs and when the time that he will get high we will offer a room then make out with him simple as that..

Mark: Lets capture it

Irene: kissing is enough for shots..don't film me making love with him..I'll be dead it's a big fuss for the company..

Jimin: Deal


Their meeting was done and getting ready for their big plan..


Joy approach Sana's squad at the their usual spot at the cafeteria.

Joy: Excuse me guys

NY: Oh.. Hello Joy

Joy: Can I invite you tonight at my bar?

MM: Really? What's the occasion by the way

Joy: it's just a thanksgiving party for everyone.

MM: Sure Joy

SN: Thank you but I'm sorry I can't come I need to meet a very important people

Joy: Well Dahyun Can right?

DH: What me? But-

CH: Yes bro come with us..

Joy: So see you tonight guys bye

NY: thanks Joy

Joy left the squad

JH: Sanaya Why so sudden? You won't come with us later?

SN: Dad called me earlier that I have to meet  the stockholders at our company.

JY: So Dahyun will be alone?

SN: but you're with him

TZ: right

DH: but I don't want to

SN: Hon just go with them..

MM: Hyunie you should enjoy sometime

TZ: few weeks before the graduation we should enjoy hyung

CH: right bro you should..


The squad was just discussing something and laughing as usual. Sana and Dahyun already talk but Dahyun didn't said the whole truth his only reason was her mother's orphanage and didn't mention about Irene and Jimin but Dahyun begged Sana to stay away from Jimin which Sana obliged.


DH: Hon are you sure you don't want me to come with you?

SN: Hon I told you ok Dad's driver will come and will get me here.. you should go with the squad..

DH: But I don't want to go I want to be with you..

SN: Hon... you should go now.. We have lots of time for each other ok..

DH: But Hon-

SN: Tss Dahyun~.. I'm not with you tonight so better behave yourself.

DH: Fine I will.. I love you

SN: I love you too..go now

Dahyun gave Sana a kiss in the lips

DH: Be there safe ok..

SN: I will.....go before I changed my mind

DH: Change your mind now

Dahyun once again gave a kisses

SN: I need to meet the company's-

Sana was cutted by the kiss

SN: Don't be like this-

And again a kiss

DH: Change your mind now.. I miss you so-

This time it was Sana kisses Dahyun she pull Dahyun's nape Dahyun still circling his hands at Sana's waist and reciprocated the kiss....but Sana broke the kiss after she recognized her father's car..


SN: I miss you too Hon but the car is here so goodbye

She said with a teasing grin

DH: Fine..alright

The car stop in front of them

DH: Get in now Hon be safe ok...call me  when you arrive and when you need something ok..

SN: I will Hon I love you..

Dahyun gave her girlfriend a kiss and knocked at the driver

DH: Mr. Be safe in driving ok take care of my princess please..

Driver: Don't worry Mr.Kim I will

Sana chuckled at Dahyun..Her boyfriend open the cars door for her and sign a goodbye..


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