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Loud music,noisy crowded place where in the bar , I'm with my Tzuyu and Sana..Tzuyu didn't drink at least a bottle while me is just tipsy we've been here for almost 4hrs. and these squirrel is so drunk..

: Hey Satang can you walk?

SN: I'm fine peach hik.

TZ: Noona you're so drunk.. I will call Dahyun hyung to come over.

SN: No..don't call him he's dating with his Love..tsk

: What do you mean?..Just call him..

Tzuyu called Dahyun while me standing beside Sana..then Mark appeared..

Mark: Need help Momo?

: No thanks..we can handle our selves..

Mark: Hey love miss me?

: Stay away Mark..

TZ: Hey what are you doing go away..

Mark walked out..

TZ: Hyung is coming we should go outside.

: Can you carry her at your back?

TZ: Come on Sana noona I will carry you ok..

SN: No I will stay here..

: Yah Dahyun is coming..

SN: He will not his busy dating with his love..

TZ: What are talking bout noona..

: Just tell Dahyun we will just wait here..

TZ: Ok..

A minute later Dahyun arrived..

TZ: Hyung..here..

: I'm sorry Dahyun she's not listening.

DH: It's ok noona

SN: Oh hik! Are you done dating with love?

DH: Sana lets go..

I can feel in his voice that his mad...He carry Sana at his back..

TZ: Hyung did you brought your car?

DH: Yes Tzu..aren't you coming with us?

MM: No..later don't worry that Mark didn't touch Sana..

DH: Will be going now noona thank you Tzu..

Sana is really dead tomorrow..

TZ: I've seen him mad again..

: It's scary though..

TZ: But he will not shout to anyone.he's a good man after all..

Tzuyu was so fund about Dahyun he praises him very much..

MM: But wait who's love?

TZ: It's hyung older sister IU noona..




It's my first time getting this mad at her..Why she didn't told me or just called me?
I brought her to my condo.. I wipe her face and change her clothes. I'm tired and exhausted I decided to sleep at the sofa outside my room I brought my pillow and didn't brought my blanket I let her used it..

My phone rings..

JH: Did you got home safe?

: Yes noona..

JH: Are you mad?

: A little I guess..

JH: Why?

: Sana was so drunk.. Thankfully Tzuyu and Momo noona were there..

JH: Is there any problem?

:I don't know she's acting weird since early this morning..I didn't do anything..

JH: Just talk to her tomorrow kid..

: Ok noona ..see you tomorrow..

I hang up the call and decided to sleep..



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