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Sana's POV

I'm watching him ordering ice cream for me...

DH: What flavor do you want?
: Vanilla

As he got his ice cream he immediately run to a vacant sit...

DH: Tnks for the treat..
: Yah..
Lady: Here's yours Ms.Sana..
: Thank you.

I thought he will treat me...take my revenge you weirdo... I walk towards him and pinched his ears so tight..

DH: Aw..it hurts aw..
: how dare you...
DH: I never said that I will treat you..pabo
: So am I idiot...
MM: Wooow woow hey guys I think we should sit another table...
CH: Sure...love birds is dating here....

The squad appeared with their teasing faces..

: yah we're not dating...
JY: Hey why are you disturbing them we should sit another table let's go...
DH: hyung..
: guyss.. sit here..
NY: Ne..Ne..
MN: what are you doing here??
MM: obviously dating..
: yah.. I just saw him here.
DH: liar.. she's stalking me she appeared at the stocked room obviously following me..
DL: Doomed. ..
: Ok..I followed him..but I'm not a stalker you weirdo..

I pinched his side stomach..

NY: are you two in relationship?
DH: Yes...No..Kidding..
: w-we're not..
CH: what's with the "pinching pinching thing"??
TZ/JY: Paboyah!!!
: yah..
MM: your blushing Sanaya...
: I'm not...goodbye. just see you in our next class..
NY: Are you not coming with us??
: Nope..b-bye

The hell why did he say yes it makes me crazy more on him..did he saw me blushing..oh dumb Sana ofcourse he saw you he's sitting beside you...

I walked so fast getting away from their sight ahh its so embrassing...

[End of POV]
JY: yah Dahyun when will you confess to her..
DH: I don't know either. .
NY: look your not the only one who's liking Sana..there's a lot like Mark Tuan..
DL: the obssess one..
JY: that man who kept bothering Sana at the bar and the ugly bully on this university?
DH: bar? its so you hyung..
JY: Yah.. I'm just protecting someone there. .
CH: liar..you just want some drink and not Nayeon noona..
JY: shut up..
MN: back to you dahyun.
JH: You should move before its too late..
DH: but I'm afraid of rejection...
MN: you will know if you try..
TZ: and I think tonight is your chance hyung..right love?
MM: yeah Sana will be alone tonight and no one can accompany her at home she always walk..
MN: I'll be at my parents house tonight and Momo is staying at Tzuyu's house..
DH: are you saying I will be with Sana??
DL: exactly..
NY: She's not always safe walking alone..
JY: we're not pushing you on Sana..but I know you like her Sana likes you too. .were just concern on both of you..
DH: I know...

Dahyun left out a deep sighed..


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