68 SANA!

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Finally after 5 hours of the operation Jieun and the other nurses who also assisted the patient came out at the room. Sana and her mother immediately stand up.Jieun approach them.

IU: The operation was successful Mrs.Minatozaki .He will be placed on a heart-lung machine to keep his blood circulating throughout his body. Maybe in an hour you can see him back at his room.

S'mom: Where's Dahyun Dr.Lee?

Jieun sighed and look at Sana.

IU: He's still inside maybe in a minute he will come out. He was exhausted he just need to sit.

Jieun chuckled so as Sana's mother.They are relieved that it was successful all they need now is to wait for the Japanese man to wake up.


Sana's mother told Sana to deliver some food at Dr.Lee's office because she knows Dahyun was there too.Sana obliges.

She released a deep breath before she knocked at the door and it opened ,revealing a tired  Dahyun.

Dahyun opened the door wide so Sana can come in.
Sana sat at the couch while Dahyun was just standing and facing Sana nervously.Sana broke the silence.

SN: Mom want me to deliver this food for you and for IU unnie.

Dahyun cleared his throat and sat at the couch 10 inches apart from Sana.

DH: IU noona went home not long ago.

SN: then you eat it alone. You're hungry and exhausted. Eat it all and rest.

Sana attempt to stand but stop by Dahyun by holding her wrist.

DH: Join me...I can't eat it all Sana . If you want to.

Sana blink twice and sit again. She opened the containers she brought.She hand the utensils needed, put some foods at Dahyun's plate and proceeds to her.Dahyun smiled from Sana's gestures she misses this sides of Sana.

They ate in a comfortable silence.

SN: Why are you always here at your sisters' room?

DH: I'll be working at Japan starting tomorrow. I will be the replacement of Chaeng.

SN: How long will you be there?

DH: 5 months then come back here.

Sana just nodded.

SN: I don't want to ruin these moment but Dahyun I want to ask you something.

Dahyun knows what it is but he nodded.

SN: You and Dad. That day that he told you about me leaving did something happened other than that? Did you talk something else?

DH: N-nothing more.

SN: Then why was he so mad at you?

Dahyun sighed.

DH: I told him about what happened at Joy's party.

SN: You making out with Irene?

Dahyun looked at Sana's eyes meeting that hurt eyes.He looked away.

DH: Yes

SN: I still don't know why you did that...to us. I'm still wondering what did I lacked from loving you. You suddenly distance yourself yes we talked about that but I know you're lying. I can't read you.

DH: Sana...  you didn't lacked anything. You were so special,fragile,everything is on you and I love that from you. It's me who lacked something so please don't think that you are.

SN: Then why? Tell me! Enlighten me please!..

Dahyun flinched but he managed to stay calm. He kneels in front of Sana.

DH: If I tell you would you believe me?..

Suddenly the door opened its Sana's mom.Mrs.Minatozaki decided to visit too to Dahyun but she sees Dahyun and Sana seriously talking, she even heard Sana shouted.

She should approach Sana but Dahyun signaled her to stay where she was standing.

DH: I can do it Mom.

Mrs.Minatozaki nodded and stand beside the couch and watching her daughter looking down sobbing while Dahyun was kneeling in front of Sana.

DH: You asked me about Tuan and Park.
You're right I'm hiding a lot of secret cause I'm good with that....
That party that Mark and Jimin caught me making out with Irene,you saw that picture they gave you ...its true. But I wasn't in my right mind that day Sana. You know me I can't easily be drunk unless it caught my limit in alcohols. You know them they were involved to drugs until now. Maybe you understand now.

Sana looked up it hit her mind.Dahyun nodded.

DH: They put drugs at my drink put me in a room where Irene was and that happened...thankfully the squad stop her or else more than that would happen.

SN: The squad knew...that's explained why Momo and Mina seems odd that day.But it was two pictures Dahyun.

DH: That was from the orphanage... I thought I'll be meeting a decent donators but it was Irene and Jimin... Threatening me...

SN: That's all are you not hiding anything?? You didn't cheat? Then why were you suddenly went out without me? You drop me off at the house then you? Where?

Dahyun looked up at Sana's mother who was listening and nodded when she got Dahyun's message.

DH: Sorry...for not telling you... But I-I c-can't...

Sana tears drop.

SN: Excuse me....

Sana stands up and run away..

DH: Sana wait-

S'mom: Go Son...Everything will be alright.

Dahyun run after Sana. Sana still running until she got to her car. Dahyun fastly hop on  at Sana's car.

SN: Get out Dahyun...

DH: No-

SN: I said get out-

DH: No I won't...drive wherever you will go...I won't go...

Sana angrily started her car and fastly drove.

Sana drag him at the park..Dahyun was stunned.

Sana went out and cried. Dahyun approaches her.

DH: look Sana..I'm sorry..

SN: What for Dahyun? You already hurt me a lot...

DH: I can't say it to you because-

SN: your scared...of what? Of losing me?..

DH: Yes I'm afraid of losing you but I also can't risk something part of you.
I opened up my mother's case without anyone knowing even my family.
I didn't cheated on you I can't do that to you.
It's also hard for me breaking up with you. When you told me to end us I really want to refuse.. but the fact that I also hurt you I respected your decision.

Dahyun looked down tears begin to fall.

DH: Opening my mom's case and finding out the culprit and losing you was my biggest regret. I wished that I never exist in your life.

SN: What are you talking about?

DH: Your Father... was the driver and the reason why my mother died.

SN: W-What? I-it's not t-true.....

DH: Yes it's true he was.... Sana!..


>And lets cut< that's all for now😅

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