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In any minute Dahyun will be here at my hotel room. I wasn't expecting this to happen. Dahyun touring me around instead of my secretary? Like what the hell is happening is someone playing with me right now?...


I was facing in the mirror applying some simple make up on..when someone was knocking on the door..I open it and it was him standing with his casual clothes and I widen my eyes realizing that I'm just
wearing a bathrobe damn it..

DH: Hey.

: C-come in..

I let him in on his own and I just ran towards the bedroom shouting at him that I will just change...ahh it's so embrasssing. I want to shout right now..ahh..


After I changed my clothes I went to him and join him at the couch.

I cleared my throat to catch his attention..

: So where we will go so that I can tell it to my driver.

DH: You don't need to tell it to him.. I mean you don't need your driver for now I brought my car and also Aunt Min knows where we will be..

I just nodded .

: I thougth you will be with your nephew?

DH: Seokjin hyung won't allow me to bring his son..that's why.. So are you ready? All set?

: Yeah let's go..

He lead the way towards the door and open it for me. We went straight to the Hotel's Parking Lot.


While Driving


He broke the deafening silence.

DH: Aunt Min told me that its Philip Adam the CEO you're merging to?

: Well yes , actually my grandfather just wanted to help the CEO.

DH: Right.. I guess his company was not doing well after that incident where someone wanted to kill him..maybe that's the reason that no one wanted to be part of his company..

: I think so too.but we don't know whats the real point.

DH: and oh Is Mina noona doing greart?

And why was he asking about Mina? He glanced at me..Right..

: A-ah Y-yes she's doing good..with Chaeng

DH : So that Cub will be a father soon..

He chuckled and I just joined too..

The akward atmosphere surrounds again inside the car..I opened the car's window
beside me and feel the breeze of the air..


Time skips


He brought me at some famous tourists spots,famous resto and our awkwardness lessen towards the day, he even insisted to take some photos for me the day that we haven't thought for the past we have we let ourselves forget atleast for today or not just.

We're currently in the seaside I'm sitting on the barrier while Dahyun was in his car's bumper a little far away from me as he said that I really need an alone time and fresh air so I just agreed cause I really need it now..

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