14 WHAT??

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I'm now walking in the subway alone the two were so busy in their own world...when someone barged in front of me its Mark Tuan and his drunk he smells like sh*t..he hold my wrist so tight and it hurts. .

Mark: Hey love why are you walking alone?
: get off me Mark..
Mark: get in the car love
: shut up Mark..love? are you crazy? I'm not yours and never will be yours so get off me..
Mark: your only mine Sana..is this because of that freak? do you like that fr*akin freak..
: get off or I will shout..
Mark: No your not lets go home..

He keeps on pulling me until I fall at the ground..then someone punched him..

: D-dahyun?
DH: How dare you to hurt her..

He keeps on puching Mark and Mark punched him back they just fighting at the ground while me dumbfounded on whats happening. ..

Mark: how dare you to punch me you freak..
DH: How dare you to hurt a girl..
: d-ddahyun ssstop

They didn't hear me..

: I said STOP..

Mark run to his car.. Dahyun approach me and help me to stand he brought me to his car..
while driving

This ride is very awkward..no one dared to talked he's just driving eyes on the road while me stealing glances on his bruises..I felt so guilt..

: I-im sorry because of me-

He cut me off..

DH: Shut up..

I shut my mouth and stare outside..his really mad..
until we arrived at the house he went outside at open the car door for me still not looking at me..

: you should come inside I will treat your wounds..

DH: I can do it myself.

He said with his cold tone..

: get inside..
DH: I need to go home..
: I said get inside..
DH: Fine..

He just making his self a hardheaded one..
I went upstairs and change my cloth I left him downstairs... I go to the guest room getting the medicine kit... there I found it but I can't reach it why did Momo put it so high..

: Dahyunah can you go up here at the guest room I need help?

Shouting to call him and I lt didnt take a minute he came still in his cold posture..

DH: what?

: Can you reach the medicine kit since your tall than me.. (*readers Dahyun here is tall coz dahyun is a boy here kekek*).

He reach the kit and give it to me and went out without waiting for me to thank him..tsk..

I let him sit at the couch I sat in front of him wiping these blood stains at his face and add some ointment..
He still not looking at me..

: Look I'm sorry for what happen its all my fault. .

Finally I met his eyes..

DH: will you stop on saying that?
: I'm sorry ok
DH: Shut up Sana.. what if I didn't come on that time are you still not going to fight back your getting hurt and your doing nothing..what are you thinking...
: you sound like my boyfriend.
DH: I'm serious Sana I'm not joking..
: I know...still..why are you so mad?
DH: why didn't you brought your car?
: I love walking..
DH: when you're alone bring your car whats the purpose of buying it but not using it..
: walking is my stress reliever
DH:still safety is a must..asked me anytime when you like to walk I will walk with you.. don't walk alone it's dangerous..
: Ok ok copy

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