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The event continues other visitors were warmheartedly delivered their words to the newlyweds.

We were in one table...

So he came,he came so what Sana you're not holding his life tss.I admit it I'm still admiring his voice when he is singing  but it doesn't mean that I still like him..right?

He is sitting beside Chaeyoung and I'm facing his back..be good Sana..


The event end and as the newlyweds planned we will have a celebration at their house it supposed to be their  honeymoon I think they will do it next time or no need?..

I used my own car to reach the said house...

We are in the living room except Dahyun and we already in our casual clothes.. I changed my clothes while I'm in the car earlier..we started to drink the drinks Daniel prepared for the night


The doorbell rings..

: I'll go open it maybe it's the pizza we ordered.

NY: Ok go..

I went to the door and open it I was stunned because its Dahyun with the pizzas and he still wearing his polo and his tuxedo was hanging in his elbow..

I push my self to stay in a poker face...

: Come in.

I widely open the door and walk ahead first and when we entered the living room all of them were eyeing us..

Dahyun cleared his throat and walked pass by me and sit at the couch...

CH: Hey bitch..

DH: Hey flirt can you stop calling me bitch....

MM: Why do you have the pizza?

DH: Well the delivery man arrived the same time I arrived too so I insist  and brought it..

JY: Ahh...

Again that teasing face of jeongyeon tss..

JY: I thought Sana told you..

I furrowed my eyebrows ...

: Why would I?

Then Jihyo came down from upstairs..

TZ: I guess someone will explain why there's  no honeymoon..

JH: Tss Yah!

I saw Jihyo eyed Dahyun and then landed at  me..

JH: Sit

Dahyun sat beside Mina..

JH: I thought you will not come like you did from the other's wedding..

DH: Well I can't ditched yours.and sorry too guys for ditching yours..

TZ: Its ok hyung we understand that-

Momo cutted Tzuyu''s words

MM: Your busy hyun..

DL: Did you came here alone? I didn't saw Seokjin earlier..

DH: He can't come because he is hella busy there..and I didn't came here alone I'm wiith Jennie and the baby..

My ears suddenly perked did I heard that right?Is he married?..

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