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Sana!.Dahyun half heartedly shouted to the girl.

Sana looked at him with pity..Dahyun calmed his self.

DH: I'll say this to you not to ask for you to come back to me but to remind you that don't hate your father,don't blame him for what happened to my life and to us...

Because blaming, pitying a person,or getting some revenge won't change anything...My mother won't come back.. yes.. I'm mad to your father but that was before... I can't take it...I'm already hurt knowing that the one that I love and I still does hate me. You looking at me with pity won't change anything...I can't turn back the time... But if I have a chance... I'll get back to you..

SN: D-Dahyun ...

DH: Don't worry I won't bother you.. but I'll still be here if you need me.. Always...

SN: Why are you being like this? My father did horrible things he messed up your life..Why are you still like this?? I hate you for being you..i hate  you being kind even it hurts you.. And you willing to help me...

Dahyun walk towards Sana he hold the girls shoulder.

DH: I won't say it again.. I'm not kind Sana.. You are still my friend even if you don't want it.. I've been staying away and avoiding you.. but I'm still meeting you every chances it have.. Stopping myself to talk to you but still doing it so...

Dahyun chuckles....

DH: How in the world was being like this to me..
I'm still thankful for what you've done to my life.. one reason that I don't want to be mad cause I myself won't allow me.. when you came to my life you changed everything about me..more like getting back the old me..I'm thankful that I know you Sana..that's why.... Thank you...

Sana cried in front of Dahyun..she wants to be mad but she can't...knowing she too doesn't move on..realizing what's with her life for being like this.. she only wants Dahyun.. but they both don't know if they would work again together...

Dahyun hugs Sana....

DH: Drive Safely Sana-chan...

Dahyun turned back and walked away.. Sana seeing Dahyun walking away hurts her..she doesn't know if it's true...but she surely knows Dahyun was hurt more than anyone...
She drove back to the hospital seeing her mother beside her father who's now awake..

She looked down.. and walk towards them..

S'mom: Sana...

SN: He told me everything...

She burst out crying again her mother engulfed her a hug..

S'mom: I'm sorry Sana...

Sana shook her head and face her father..

SN: Dad...

S'Dad: I'm sorry... It's all my fault..

SN: Why Dad?.... All those years I hated him for all wrong accusations. He was hurt..He bare it alone...

S'Dad: I'm sorry..

SN: But he told me not to hate you..I hate you Dad but he's right it won't change anything..you're still my father..But I lost him .. those years we weren't together he still loves me..and I thought I move on but it's also wrong..I still love him but I don't know what to do...in this case..it's hard to choose..

S'Dad: I'm sorry for all I did to the both of you Sana... choose what your hearts tells you..

S'mom: Follow what your heart wants Sana.. but don't hurry anything.. If you and Dahyun are meant for each other you're willing to wait... Give each other's time I'm sure it won't take too long..

Sana nodded still sobbing. Sticking those words in her mind.


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