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Dahyun woke up seeing his sister sitting on the couch busying herself in her phone. Jieun stop what she was doing when she heard her brother groaned.

IU: Hey.. does it hurt somewhere?

DH: I-I'm fine...W-Why were you here?

IU: I'm worried Dahyun... I'm very worried about you.. especially what you have right now. You can't still walk. You can't fully eat you need tubes just you to eat.

DH: I'm feeling better....Mr.Taki how about him is he alright?..

IU: He is Hyun..don't worry..you need some rest..

DH: S-Sana....

IU: I let her go home to rest she stayed here beside you til dawn..

Dahyun sighed thankfully that Sana is resting and safe. Knowing that they have abducted and Sana was deadly worried about them..

DH: How about Park Jimin..

IU: He's dead ..you shot him twice in his chest, and you lost so much blood and I'm thankful of Sana's uncle he took you here on time..

DH: I have weeks left here to work but this happened.

IU: it's ok Hyun..Dad will be here later.. Maybe you need to talk about something ..Take some rest first.

Dahyun nodded.


Dahyun sat up leaning from the hospital beds headrest eyes on his rooms window deeply thinking..

He didn't even notice someone entered the room.

The person who walked in,place the food in the table.

When Dahyun heard the persons "Hey" he turned to faced.

He gave the person a tipped smile.

SN: What were you thinking, can I dive in?

DH: It's nothing.

SN: What are you feeling now? Does it hurt somewhere?

DH: I'm fine Hon...How about you did you take some rest? You seems tired.

SN: I did... I came from the company and went here...but I'm fine Hon..

Dahyun motioned Sana to sit beside him which Sana obliged.She climb up carefully beside Dahyun.

DH: I'm sorry..

SN: I know.. but it's all done Hyun.. It happens already.. you..you..almost died... again.. and I don't..know what will happen to me if I lose you again..

Sana sobbed.

DH: Hey Sana-chan you will never lost me..we've been away for so long and that will never happen again.. hmm.. so stop crying Hon..

Sana scooted and hug her boyfriend.Dahyun combing her hair.

DH: Always remember Sana-chan that whenever or wherever we are small or wide pathways we will always stand,love and trust for each other I know that I already told you this promise but I ruined it but please this time let me prove it to you..hmmm..I love you so much..

SN: I love you too..


3 weeks had past it have been busy for Sana that she can't even visit Dahyun, but Dahyun understand it beside he even the one who told Sana not to go straight to him if Sana's over timing at her company. Dahyun was doing great he can already walk even work but still he can't proceed in operating.Only few weeks he will be going back to Korea and work their. Leaving Sana here at Japan.

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