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Dahyun and Sana were gettin well stronger together. Sana live with Dahyun in Dahyun's condo unit. She rarely go home with her Japanese best friends..



We have given a 1 week vacation but we haven't decided to went any resorts or traveled instead we stayed at Dahyun's side...we put our full attention for him.

Dahyun stayed at the hospital for his treatments and ofcourse the surgery we've dying for just him to agreed...


It's time for Dahyun's surgery and we're now at the hospital waiting for the doctors to arrived at his room...

CH: Hey be strong..

TZ: We will just wait you here hyung..

: Hyun be strong ok..after this we will let you drink a canned or bottled beer as many as you want..

I earned a punched from my girlfriend....Aww..

DL: Let's get drunk..

Jihyo punched Daniel too.. That hurts😆

DH: I don't drink hyung..

TZ: Then we'll force you to..

MM: Yeah we will...

Ohh what a supportive girlfriend you are Momoya...

JH: Ahm guys lets give them some private conversation...

We went outside living SaiDa inside..




I'm ready to do it..I guess..well I finally have a perfect reason to live right..

The squad went outside living us two here..she's now standing at my feet view well I'm lying so it definitely hurts my neck talking like that..😅

: Hey come here near me..

SN: Pabo...don't you dare leave me... Be strong..be brave enough for us for me..

: I love you..

SN: ...

She gave me a good luck kissed..

: When I wake up do that longer and gentle to me..

SN: Idiot..

The doctors came in they brought me at the operating room, while transferring I tightly hold Sana's hand.. the squad tailed in..and still cheering me up until I got in.. I hope it will be good.. Well God only knows what will happen to me..




I've been here for about 4 hours with Dahyun's friends and girlfriend.. We're just waiting for the operation to be done.. Sana sat beside me..

SN: Unnie may ask you something??

: Anything Sana..

SN: It's about Dahyun.. I didn't know his past...everytime I came up those topics about him he will just ignored or changed the topic..why is that?

: Because he doesn't want to talk about it..

SN: Why?

JY:: Shall we tell her noona?

CH: She supposed to know also noona..

JH: Unnie..

: Ok fine...but a favor

NY: What is it unnie?

: Lets eat after this.. I'm starving

MM: I got you..Deal

: Ok but please don't tell Dahyun that I told you about those what will I tell you...

SN: Ok..

: Dahyun and Seokjin were my half brothers,my mom died when I was very very young age....
I was a 7 years old when Dad introduced their mother when I came back here in Korea... Those two are my best friends their mom and dad don't want us to play outside everyday instead with does our bond playing music and instruments. Their mother didn't treated me as nobody she treated me like her own daughter that's why I love her so much..

JH: It's true even me and Chaeng treated us like her children too..

: Right.Dahyun was a mama's boy he loves mom very much...we love teasing him and when he cried he will immediately run to Mom..

JY: In our middle school he always brought some gifts or foods to gave at her Mom everytime he got home..

: He was a sweet boy indeed.. And its so funny we know that his coming because he would shouted from the door to us like "Love I'm home" the house was so happy when his around..but it suddenly changed when they got on a tragic incident.

SN: What happen?

: It was the best day for Dahyun and Mom.. We didn't know that ...that lunch was the last time we would saw Mom and Dahyun's bright sides.. After that lunch Mom and Dahyun decided to go at the park Dahyun brought his bike with Mom but when they crossed the road a car suddenly h-hits t-them..

My voice suddenly cracked..

JH: He saw everything..

: H-he saw Mom laying with her own blood as what he said he tried to reach Mom but he can't he has no strength to move his bones were fractured and some were broken..his head was severely damaged..he got coma for 5 months..then when he woke up he kept on finding Mom..he didn't saw Mom from the last grave and he got mad at das for closing the case but its Mom's last words to close the case and to secure his protection too.
After when his body got better he started not to smile nor talk and cry..
Were worried for him I thought he wouldn't handle those sufferings that he kept on his own.. About his condition he wanted to die to forget all we didn't let him drink beers or what so ever alcoholic drinks because when he would not control his self he would killed his self..But Sana..you guys when you entered his life he slowly getting back to the Dahyun we used to be..Thank you Sana for staying beside him you too guys..He finally found his happiness his heart longing for..

I hugged Sana and thanked her for saving Dahyun from death and loneliness...

: END so where we will eat? The operation will end after 2hours exactly when we get back here.. Dahyun will be in his room..so lets go your treat you people..



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