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Mina's POV

Our 1 week vacation just ended and still Dahyun is not yet awake its been 5days since his operation..

We're now at the cafeteria spending our breaktime. Sana was doing good without Dahyun she ate properly not wanting Dahyun to be mad at her..

CH: Hey your spacing out..something's wrong?

: Nothing..

Then Jeongyeon came up with a serious topic.

JY: I'm thinking of this since last night it just pop up at my mind..

MM: What is it?

NY: Is it another crazy thing?

JY: No..just listen paboya..it's about dahyun's mom

JH: What about her?

JY: Aren't you curious why did she closed that case?

JH: It's for dahyun's safety..i guess

JY: Safety? I'm sure that driver who hit them was not in a good state right now..

: How sure are you?

JY: Hello who could sleep or do things normally when someone died at what happens..

SN: Then what if that driver doesn't care at all.

: Well I guess that driver was a crazy human being with no heart..

JH: Poor Dahyun.. He saw everything that day..except on that fre*kin driver..

: So his trauma will attacks?

SN: Trauma?? Why I didn't know everything?

CH: Well I don't know..but yes when he remembers something connected on what happen that day it will attack..he will just go crazy..

MM: Like what?

TZ: The car,the road, his mom,singing,piano..

: Road?

JH: The road towards the park..

NY: You mean that highway?

CH: Yes..

SN: That's why everytime his fetching me he didn't went that way..

TZ: He's afraid

: What if we will help him to face his fears help him to remove that trauma on him..

NY: You have a point Mina but the problem is..

JH: How?

: We will ask him so he can help himself too..

JY: That's a difficult idea..

: Sana's here though..

SN: Yes. I will help ofcourse..

: But what I'm afraid of is what if he will not agrees..

MM: Mina..we will know if we try..if he'll disagree then plan B..

: Did you eat something bad?

MM: Yah ..it's your line for cheering us up..

: Fine you won..

JH: So we have few months left and were graduating..

DL: Yeh right..we can get out now of this school stressing life..

JY: It's more stressful to be an adult pabo..

: Hey how about this ..ask him to play piano ask him to perform this upcoming School Festival

NY: It's not a bad idea.. But we didn't know when he will wake up..

SN: We will just wait for his decision..

: Right..

Dahyun hope you will wake up now...


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