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Dahyun's POV

I'm with Sana were in the park having some fresh air..but the truth is I will tell her about my condition..

SN: Why you suddenly brought me here?

: Well I- I have something to confess..

SN: What is it?

My heart suddenly beats fast I'm nervous on what will be her reaction..


: I'm sick..

SN: Do you have a fever?

He checked my forehead if i have fever.. She get something at her bag..its water..

SN: Here drink this..

: No hon listen

SN: What?

She stand up in front of me..

: I'm sick... I have...brain tumor..

SN: Are you drunk? Your just pranking me right? Stop... It's not funny.

: It's true..

SN: Dahyun its not funny..

I can see in her eyes the tears that she's holding.. I hold her hands...

: Do i look joking to you? I'm not... It's true Sana i have brain tumor..

SN: Dahyun your just joking around..don't try me i can't easily be prank..

: Hon..

SN: Stopp...

She run away i tried to stop her but she runs too fast..until i saw her getting inside her house.. I was left alone the rain pour so hard..
It's okay let her be for now give her some space Dahyun...

I'm so wet cause of the rain i came back at my condo I'm not feeling well i guess.. I'm so tired my heart is so heavy..



My heart clenched so much hearing him saying his sick... I run away i don't know why.. I was got away by my emotion..

I burst out crying when i got here at our door..
MM: Minaya get down here..Sana is crying down here..


MN: Sit here Sana .. Come on tell us what happen on you..

: Dahyun... He told me his sick..

MM: Where is he?

: I left him at the park..

MM: It's raining so hard..

MN: Sanaya.. Were so sorry for not telling you about his condition..

: So you know..you know his sick..

MN: He asked us not to tell you.

: But I'm her girlfriend Mina.. I'm her fre*kin girlfriend.. Why?

MM: Sana..

: I'm so stupid not to know this..

MM: Sana..

I walked upstairs leaving them at the living room.. I was just crying until i didn't know i fall asleep...

Next day

MN: Sana wake up were going to be late ..
I woke up and fix myself and ate breakfast with them, after that I didn't brought my car i just came along with Mina and Momo..

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