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It is the first month for their graduation preparation.All of them was so busy finishing their school problems including Dahyun. He has so many works to do the school's,hospital, his mother's case and time for Sana. Stress marks on his face.

He would went home late without Sana he has so many reasons and excuses just Sana to believe him. But Sana can sense that her boyfriend was acting mysterious. These past few days Dahyun to Sana have limited time.

MN: Sanaya I'm talking to you..

Mina waving her hand in front of Sana's face. The out of world Japanese get back..

SN: Did you say something?

MM: She said that are you not going to sleep yet??

SN: Not yet..lucky you guys your finish on your assigned works..

MN: Is there something bothering you?? your just sitting there and not doing anything except traveling at another dimension..


Mina said with a grin in her face

SN: Well it's not what you think ok.. its just Dahyun.

MM: What about him?

SN: He's acting weird these days..

MM: Girl his always weird ok..

SN: No not that..you know like hiding something I guess..He will just drop me here and head back home but IU unnie called me once that he didn't come home or he will just come home but late..

MN: So you're suspecting him?

SN: I don't know.. Is he cheating on me?

MN: Do you think he can do that to you?


Sana just shook her head hesitating.

MM: Why don't you talk to him?

SN: I once ask him what he's doing but he will just changed the topic.

MN: Then don't let him changed it next time.

SN: What if he's really doing it? It's driving me crazy..

MN: Sana you will not know if you tried right.. talk to each other maybe his just doing something that made him busy..you know your boyfriend than us.

MM: Finish your work then get some sleep don't think about it tonight. We'll go to our bed now.

Sana nodded and gave her best friends a sad smile, she can't concentrate she needs Dahyun she misses her boyfriend so much. Cause of her over thinking she just fall asleep..



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