34 Meet the Minatozaki's

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We arrived at our house when I got out from the car my mom suddenly run towards me and hugged me so tight..

S'Mom: I miss you so much my princess..

: Miss you too Mom..but I'm not a princess anymore..Where's dad by the way?

S'Mom: He's on his way he will be here a moment..Is that him?

Mom eyed Dahyun who just got out from the car..Dahyun walked towards us..He bowed..

DH: Hi Tita it's nice meeting you I'm Dahyun..Kim Dahyun..

Mom hugged him

S'Mom: Nice meeting you too Dahyun and I prefer you to call me Mom instead of tita..

Dahyun nodded and smiled at Mom..

S'mom: Lets get in-

Mom cutted when dads car arrived I run to cars Dad like a kid well I'm a daddy's girl..Dad hugged me..

S'Dad: Hello my princess..

: Dad I told you I'm not a princess anymore..

S'Dad: I miss you so much.did you missed me?

: Of course Dad who wouldn't.

S'Dad: Really?. Is that Dahyun?

: Dad I'm your daughter here why are you like this..

S'Dad: Cause finally I have a son..

: Dad..

He left me and approached Mom and then Dahyun. I walked next to him tss..

S'Dad: So you are Dahyun..

DH: Nice meeting you Tito..

Dahyun bowed down to dad and hand his hand to Dad but Dad hugged him..Me and Mom just chuckled on Dad's behavior..

S'Dad: Finally I have a son.. Just call me Dad ok..

DH: Okay Dad..

: I'm your daughter here..

S'Dad: I know princess..

Dahyun smiled at him..

S'Mom: Lets get inside you all were tired..

We went inside except Dahyun because someone was calling him on his phone and he needs to answered it..

At the table

S'Mom: You're so lucky to have that kind of man Sana..

: You're right Mom..

S'Dad: I like him for you Sana honestly I only heard his voice at phone calls and now I saw him he's indeed have a nice voice, a kind and handsome man.

: He's more than that Dad AHAHAH his a perfect package if you knew..

S'Mom: My daughter was so in love.. I can see it..

: I am Mom..

I smiled at them..

S'Dad: But I smelled something's fishy earlier..

S'Mom: Me too..Are you two ok?

S'Dad: Arguments?

: Well I think his mad at me..

S'Mom: Care to tell us..

: Earlier some group of girls were keep on bad eyeing us at the university with the squad like they want us to have some fight so I said if they want it I'll give them then he told me not to and walked out..

S'Dad: Sana he got mad because your being an hard headed one..it means he's concern and he don't want you to do it..

S'Mom: I can sense that your upset..

: Some fangirls were keep on giving him love letters,chocolates and flowers..

S'Mom: Well its normal to be jealous but you should accept the fact that your boyfriend is so popular..

S'Dad: What took him so long?

: I should go see him..

I walked to the door still seeing him talking on the phone seriously I open the door then he hang up the call..

: Something's wrong?

DH: Nothing it's just my brother.

: Come on get inside now..

He just nod and innocently smiled I know there's something's wrong why is he hiding it he's acting weird again..

We went inside and started to eat and talked about my silliness and embracement moments in my life.. He was just laughing with my family seeing him so comfortable with them made my heart overwhelmed...

Should I say that I got the right man?..


S'Dad: mind to excuse my son for a while we will have a man to man talk..

: Don't tell me you will let him drink..Dad we need to go home later..

DH: It's ok I can handle.

S'mom: Just stay for the night Sana..

S'Dad: Come with me son..lets get drunk in our first meet..

: He didn't get drunk dad.

S'Dad: Well I will let him..lets go...

Dad and Dahyun went to the garden near the pool Dad brought some beers to drink..

While me and mom was watching some movies our kind of bond and I told her about Dahyun's life and his situations she just understand it all..



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