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No one's POV

As Dahyun was riding his bike back and fort he saw a woman who's knoe and hand were bleeding..

Dahyun: No Dahyun you don't need to be kind ok..so let her be..

Sana: Ahw! Its sting sh*t what will I do!

Dahyun heard it he get off from his bike..

Dahyun: Just this one ok just this one..no one can recognize you ok..

Dahyun approach Sana

Dahyun: Hey Miss need help?... I think you need help?

A cold voice that Sana heard.

Sana: A-ah I-I can't n-no thanks..


As I heard his cold voice I think my body weakened he has a pretty voice he step close on me and bend his knee I can only see his calm mono lidded eyes..tsk! I need to be rude to him.

: A-ah i-I can't n-no thanks..Why am I stuttering..

Dahyun: What do you mean I can't?

: I don't need your help.

Dahyun: uhm! Fine..

Why he seemed concerned Eysh Sana whats happening on you!
What will I do I can't stand properly..

: W-wait ok I-I need help..He just nod and get something in his back pocket..a handkerchief

Dahyun: Miss hold this..stay here.

He gave me the handkerchief and ride his bike where will he go.

A minute later he came back with a 2 bottled water in his hands he bend his knee and gently pour some water in my wounds..Wow he's like a doctor.

I'm just staring at this grim reaper..

Dahyun: Give me the handkerchief Miss hey miss

I snap back at the reality.

Dahyun: Handkerchief please..

: here..Ho! Sana what is happening to you..

He wipe the blood and wash it again..and cover it with band aids

Dahyun: Can you stand properly?

: Y-yes ..I tried to stand properly but I can't.

DH: No you're not.Where's your house?


DH: I'll accompany you

DH: Let's go

She hold my waist and help me to walk properly he let me sit at his bike backsit then drove me home..

:Were here..thank you..

I handed him my hand to have shakehands with him but tsk he just nod and ride his bike he didn't hold my hand..hello I'm Sana..tsk.. what a "Weirdo Grim reaper"

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