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Dahyun's POV

Its already 8PM and I'm done helping my sister here at the hospital and now I'm sitting in this soft and fluffy sofa at my sisters' office and I'm so tired I don't know why this days I easily get tired.

IU: Kid you look so tired..you can go home now thank you for helping me..
: How about you love are you not coming home?
IU: Maybe later when I'm done here.. don't worry Dad is here ok I can come home with him now go..I think Jihyo is in the ER just go see her there..
: Ok bye love..

I went out to see Jihyo noona and there I see her talking on a patient when I walk towards her suddenly my headache attacking at me again I hit my head at the door I can't see clearly I didn't bring my medicine and then I can only see black and hear Jihyo noona's voice ...


Jihyo's POV

When I saw Dahyun bump his head at the ER door I immediately run at him and shouted for help..the doctors in the ER  immediately help us..

They help Dahyun lay in the bed I called his sister and a few minutes his Dad and IU unnie came and the medicine..Dahyun's dad check him..

Dh'dad: he's getting worse..
IU: what will we do dad he keeps on refusing the surgery..
Dh'dad: its his decision if he don't or want it we should accept it..
IU: but dad..
Dh'dad: bring him at the VIP room now..Jihyo thank you..
: welcome tito

I came along with Dahyun at the VIP room and decided to stay here until he's awake.. I called Jeongyeon.


Jeong's POV

I'm driving my van with the squad except Daniel and Sana I don't know where they are..when my phone rings..

: Chaeng can you answer it..

Chaeng answered it

CH: Annyeong noona how's your day?
JH: Come to the hospital right now..
CH: W-why what happen?
JH: Dahyun
CH: W-what happen?
JH: just come here..

The call ended Chaeng is startled..

MN: Hey are you ok?
CH: Hyung..
JY: Did something happen?
CH: hyung Dahyun..we must go to the hospital..
NY: did something bad happen?
JY: d-dahyun..

I immediately change my direction thankfully its not that far we immediately run at the VIP room where Dahyun was,for now I don't care if the squad will know about this..

We arrived at the room seeing Dahyun unconscious.

JY: what happen?
JH: What are they doing here?
NY: is there something wrong Ji?
JY: Were on our way to go home then you called me..we immediately went here..
JH: what if dahyun-
CH: noona its fine since they our friends we can trust them ok..
TZ: so what happen noona?
JH: Fine.. he's getting worst Jeong..
MN: what do you mean Ji?
MM: Is he sick?
CH: yes he's d*mn sick
NY: What?
MM: what?w-why?
CH: he has brain tumor
MN: how long?
JY: For almost 3 years..
JH: he has anaplastic astrocytoma..
MM: what's that mean will he live long?
JH: anaplastic astrocytoma is one of the kind of brain tumors a person like dahyun in his age who has this case have 50% on their lives if he don't take the treatments.. but if he take the treatments and surgical excision and remove as much the tumor as possible he will live 5 years or more..but he keeps on refusing...
NY: Why that he keeps on refusing?
TZ: He has his reason..
DH: What are you all doing here?
TZ: hyung..
JY: Are you fine?
DH: What is this?
JH: they know about it Dahyun..
DH: Know what?
MN: your case...
DH: I'm sorry noona

I thought he will be mad at us but...

NY: For what?
DH: for hiding this to you..and hope you will keep it a secret for now..can I trust you?
MM: of course Dahyun..
NY: How bout Daniel and Sana?
JH: I will say it to Daniel..
DH: Sana?
MN: Dahyun I don't know if I'm the only one who notice this but Sana likes you did you know that..
DH: I don't ..
JH: what's your plan about her?
DH: I don't know..
MM: surely she will be hurt she's soft to be hurt?
MN: should we keep it secret for now until you have courage to say it to her?
JY: I know you dahyun..you like Sana too..
DH: W-what? H-how?
CH: and you don't want to hurt a girl you like..
DH: Fine ok I like her and I don't want her to be hurt I will say it to her instead if I have courage to say it..i know what happen now will happen again and I hope she will not notice it coz for now I don't truly want to say it to her..
MN: talk to her Dahyun..talk to her about your feelings to her before its too late..make a move..
DH: How?
NY: but for now take a rest..maybe do it next week..
JY: right so starting right now we must keep our mouth shut..
MM: Yes..

Dahyun told us to go home we take the girls on their houses..



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