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No One's POV

After that Dahyun asked her sister to go check Sana's Father and he will be out for a moment.
His sister went to Mr.Raiko's room.

IU: Good evening Mr.&Mrs. Minatozaki I'm Dr. Lee Jieun I'm here to check on you as my brother asked me to

S'Mom: So you're Dahyun's sister? Sorry for interrupting you Dr.Lee.

IU: No it's ok Mrs.Minatozaki it's my pleasure.

IU did her work as a doctor


IU: Mr. Minatozaki you need to rest some more and I think you should start your treatments before it's too late I know in your case it's not yet fatal but you need it just...Incase

S'dad: Not yet Dr.Lee.. I'm sorry but I have my reason

IU: o-ok.. so excuse me and I'll be back at my office if you need something just tell us..

S'mom: Thank you Dr. Lee


As IU was heading towards the door Sana came in..

SN: U-unnie your here?

IU: Oh..Sanaya.. Yes Dahyun asked me to that's why..

SN: Is he here?

IU: He went out for a moment maybe he will be here later..

SN: Ah.. really? Why isn't he calling me??

IU: Ahm~ I-I need to go now..just talk to him later ..

SN: thanks unnie for checking at my dad..

They bid goodbye to each other..IU goes to her office and saw no Dahyun but his phone was in her table..

She knew that theirs something bothering on her brother...she calls Jihyo..

JH: Unnie?

IU: did Dahyun told you where he was he going?

JH: No.. Why is there a problem? Should I go up there?

IU: Ok Let's talk go up here..

JH: Coming..

It didn't took long to Jihyo going to IU's office.

JH: So What is it?

IU: When he came back here..I don't know if he's mad or tired but I know there's something bothering on him.. He just asked me to checked on Sana's father..

JH: Sana's father? You mean Dahyun came here with Sana's father?

IU: Yes.Sana's father came here earlier and fetched Dahyun here and when they came back.. Sana's father were unconscious.

JH: Holy sh*t it's a big problem..Is Sana here ??

IU: Why ? She just came a minute ago..

JH: Sana will leave she will go back to Japan to manage their company and..

IU: and what?

JH: Dahyun doesn't know it yet Sana's father told her that if she will never have a courage to tell it to Dahyun he will be the one to say it.. what if...what if he told Dahyun  already..that's why....
IU: ok calm down Ji we know Dahyun for long he will understand Sana's situation ok..

JH: I should call Sana..


IU nodded

Jihyo dialed Sana's number
It didn't took Sana long to answer the phone

SN: Ji?Why?

JH: Oh Sanaya..are you still at your father's room.

SN: Yes I'm still here..

JH: Sanaya.. Dahyun..

SN: Why what happen Jihyo??

JH: I..I think Dahyun knew about you living.. Your Father and Dahyun were together earlier.... D..Dahyun....

SN: W..wh..wha..what??

JH: Sana just asked your father first.. I will find Dahyun he left his phone here..


Jihyo ended the call and contacted the boys but they didn't know where the pale man is..

While Sana suddenly froze beside her mother at the hospital's couch..

She leave a very shaky deep sighed

SN: D..Dad d...did you already told him right??
Sana's dad turned his head to Sana who was now in her tears.

S'Dad: Yes Why? Did he resented me now?

SN: I told you Dad that I will tell him myself I told you to give me some time but what you did you make it worse I supposed to be the one to tell it to him but you ditched my only one favor....

S'Dad: it's not my problem Sana and I didn't made it worst just leave him alone..

SN: What?

S'Dad: stay away from hi

SN: Dad are you hearing yourself? What is happening to you?

S'Mom: Raiko...

SN: He treated you like his own father but what just happened?

S'Dad: just do what I said..

SN: I will go see him

S'Dad: No stay here.. I don't want you to be hurt

SN: but you're Dad you're hurting me ..just saying to stay away from him already broke me..

S'mom: Go Sana talk to Dahyun.. I will talk to your father..


Sana ran away towards where Jihyo was..
IU understand Sana on her situation..
Jihyo and Sana went out and split for finding the pale man....

Sana can't handle the pain while driving she only thought for Dahyun..that what if Dahyun will leave her that Dahyun will forget about her and doesn't want to see her...

Sana's mind now is full of what ifs...

She again contacted the squad but again no Dahyun...



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