Part 1: Tainted

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YiJun's POV 

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YiJun's POV 

 I am sure it must have confused and angered Xian when I had led him to my room, my bed, and started talking about his father. But I had no choice. 

 After all this time of asking myself why Xian was different, it was finally now that I had put two and two together. Yes, I still have many unanswered questions, but at least now, I know where I can start looking for them. 

For the first time in a long time, I felt like I could share my thoughts, worries, and feelings with this boy who had grown up in front of me, whom I had raised.

No, I still can't bring myself to accept our relationship: Xian's and mine, as pure and perfect. I think I never will. But I have decided to cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, there are more urgent things that require my attention.

When I started telling Xian how his father may not be human, we did not get far. When I had told him how he had had a normal childhood, he had looked dejected. I wanted to know why that was, but I hadn't stopped to ask.

For now, Xian is with me. I can hold him, touch him, lay with him. Even as I state more facts, moving from his childhood to adolescence, all I can think of is how perfect he looks sitting on my bed.

I mention his nightmares and watch as his body goes stiff; his heart picks up speed. I feel sorry for having brought it up, but I had no choice.

As we speak about them, I conclude that my fears were not baseless. My aura was the reason behind his nightmares; guilt fills me once again. But there was nothing I could do now. 

 When I mention that Xuan, his mother, had premonitions too and that I had wondered that his nightmares might be like that, he got scared and started trembling. Holding him in a tight embrace, I rock him gently. I reassure him that I would not let him get hurt. But it doesn't help.

Then it hits me, what if he could recall them and had hidden it from me wantingly? The moment I search his eyes, my doubts are confirmed. Yet I ask him, hoping against hope for what I had seen in his eyes to be false, "Xian, can you recall your nightmares? What have you seen?"

That's when he brings up Hua, Qing's brother. The things he tells me next serve to confirm my suspicions at least partially. Hua was not Zhu Chao's son; he was not human, at least, not entirely. 

 No human can influence the will of another. And yet, Hua's voice had almost made Xian kneel. It's a different matter that Xian had resisted.

I recall how taken aback Hua had looked when Xian had been rude to him. If Hua had walked in, sure about the power he would have over Xian, then obviously, him behaving like an ill-mannered boy would have surprised him.

When Xian yells me that Hua looked familiar, his voice trembles; it's a dead giveaway.

Xian was scared of Hua. He was scared because he thought that Hua could hurt me. And the only way that would be possible was if he had seen Hua hurting or killing me.

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