A God and A Father

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YuTiandi's (Heavenly Father's) POV

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YuTiandi's (Heavenly Father's) POV

I love all my creations. But I would be lying if I said that I love them all equally.

Every father wants to love his children equally, but that seldom happens. There is always a favorite. Yes, I too am not above this. I had a favourite once too, my YiJun, my first perfect creation. Maybe that is why I trusted him so blindly.

Don't get me wrong, he was my favorite for a reason. He was my most flawless creation, at least, that is what I had thought then....Maybe that was my first mistake.

Since his creation, he had been the most perfect son. Obedient. Loyal. Fierce. Protective.

But all that changed eighteen years ago. Eighteen years ago, he betrayed me. He broke my trust and my heart.

Did he really think he could do that and get away with it!?

My words are law. And he broke them.

Did he think that there will be no consequences?

Did he think that just because he is my favorite, I will make an exception!?


After I created him, I left human in his care. They were flawed. Unlike my YiJun, they sinned and they fought. It became more and more difficult to guide them... punish them... hear their prayers.

So, I created Mei Xuan, I filled her heart with love and compassion so that she could do, what YiJun couldn't. 
She guided the humans and loved them. She often used to beg me on their behalf, to show then mercy and forgive them.

And I did, I became more merciful and forgiving with her by my side.

What I had not seen coming, was YiJun's devotion to her well-being. As time passed, he became more protective of her....I did not blame him then. After all, I had created her with a most beautiful heart. A heart that could melt stones.... Maybe that was my second mistake.

As time passed, once again I felt that humans, my once beloved creations had stated becoming proud and thankless. I felt like they were crossing the line. Thus, I ended up creating Mei Jian.

I must have been angry and restless while creating him. For he was my most volatile creation. He loved and respected me, and he looked up to YiJun. Like me, he too thought that YiJun was perfect. But unlike me, he was always wary of Mei Xuan. He was neither protective of her, nor did he interact with her. I guess, they were just too different.

I ignored it. It was not important. At least, that is what I believed then....Maybe that was my third mistake.

On the bright side though, in creating Jian, I had brought a balance that was missing. The humans were kept in check and the demon realm was too scared to challenge my domain. They left the humans along... At least for a while.

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