Part 3 : Tainted (Controlled)

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[A/N: Mild dub con/ non con

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[A/N: Mild dub con/ non con. Readers discretion is advised.]

Xian's POV

Finally, I had come clean to Jun. I had shared my nightmares and told him how I had been lying to him. I confessed how I had manipulated his kindness to make him spend his nights next to me.

What I had hoped for was Jun's anger or perhaps his disappointment. But instead, I had received his reassurance and unconditional acceptance.

How can you always be like this, Jun?

His acceptance makes me feel more guilty than if he had thrown angry, hateful words at me. I am about to ask him to reprimand me in some way when he mentions the mark of the underworld.

I ask him what it is and why he hasn't mentioned it before, but he goes silent. I call him, but it's like I can't reach him. There is a faraway look in his eyes. He steps closer, and there it is again, the hint of cinnamon underlying the familiar fragrance of sandalwood.

I call him again, but he keeps his eyes lowered. Then, as if he had not heard me at all, he speaks, "Xian, do you... did you... " but trails off midsentence.

The scent of cinnamon starts overpowering the mild fragrance of sandalwood. "What is it?" I urge, but he still seems to be lost in thought. He doesn't look at me. He looks at my hands instead and asks, "Xian, since you turned nineteen, did you get any mark on your body? Or maybe earlier?"

The question feels incomplete. "What kind of mark?" I ask to clarify, but he purses his lips and bites out, "That's not important. Just tell me, did you notice any mark on your body!"

It's very unlike him to lose his cool over something so simple. It was not like I had asked something illogical. I just wanted to understand him better.

Why aren't you looking at me, Jun!?
Did you realize something that is
making you distance yourself from me?
Am I a threat to you? 

Fear and apprehension fill my being. I know Jun can probably hear me, but try as I may, I find it impossible to stay calm. I try to keep my voice steady and reply, "I don't know. It's not like I can see all of myself." I step closer; I want to reach out to him... I want him to look at me. The strong scent of cinnamon surrounds me, making me forget why I had stepped this close to Jun.

The need to pull him in my arms starts to take over. I feel my cheeks heat, and blood rushes to my belly. Something was not right. 

"Jun?" I call, and he finally looks at me. They are unfamiliar: his eyes. A circle of red lines his dark orbs.
Alarm bells go off in my mind, but before I can step away, his hand settles on the nape of my neck; titling it, he leans in. His lips are pulled up in a sinister grin. There is nothing familiar about it. His usually warm eyes are cold, devoid of emotion.

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