Part 3 :- Greed

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Xian's POV

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Xian's POV

After cleaning the mess my beautiful angel had made in the kitchen, I decided to take a shower. After all, as much as I love chocolate, I can't go to bed smelling like Original's: the cake shop. Moreover, I like going to bed surrounded by the fragrance of sandalwood.

Returning to my room, I pick out my nightclothes and set it on the bed. I recall Jun's flour-covered salt pepper hair and feel the edges of my lips lift.

I walk into the shower cubical, and a second later, hot water hits my torso. I close my eyes and sigh.

Tomorrow, I need to make my wishes known to Jun. I have no clue what to ask for, yet. All I know is that I want him close and next to me, forever.

'Xian...' I hear someone whisper. But when I turn around, there is no one there.

My eyes fall on the bathroom door that I have left ajar by mistake, and I contemplate whether I should walk out of the warmth that is now engulfing me and close it.

I decide against it, and close the cubical door instead. I close my eyes once again and increase the temperature.

Heat has never bothered me.


I open my eyes, only to find myself surrounded by darkness. I look around, feel the frost clinging to my fingers... They hurt when I try to move them. 

'Xian....' I hear someone call me again. It's clearer... It's Jun. I would recognize his voice anywhere. 

"Jun, where are you?" I yell, "Jun, I am scared. It's cold." 

I can feel the frost climbing up my arm. The pain spreads to my arms, and intensifies. 

"Jun, " I call out and look around in the pitch darkness. A moment later, I hear it again. Jun's voice.

"You were a mistake." The voice announces. 

"What? Jun, stop teasing. Where are you?" I scream, running blindly towards Jun's voice. 

"I should have killed you when father had ordered me to." Jun's voice is filled with regret. 

"Jun! Stop it! Stop saying that." I bite out between sobs. 

Jun scoffs. "It's the truth. You are an abomination, a curse. You are the reason I have no one left to call my own."

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