The Mistaken

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Mei Jian's POV

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Mei Jian's POV

I am angry, always angry. And this anger, this curse, is the reason why I am all alone today.

Once upon a time, we: Xiōngdì, Jiejie, and myself were happy. We were like a well-oiled machine that helped Father rule, manage and protect Heaven from those who dare to destroy it.

Since before my creation, Heaven and Underworld were in a power-hungry struggle. The demons relentlessly attacked our gates, wanting to enter our realm.

'Why can't they be happy with what they have, I wondered, failing to understand their motives. 

Of course, I was curious, and so was Xiōngdì, but Father had never been forthcoming. So, I had done what I was supposed to: serve under Xiōngdì and be his right-hand man. All I ever wanted was to protect and serve. For I respected him; loved him.

But all that changed the day Jiejie had returned from the mortal realm. She looked drained and weak. Understandable, since it was a well-known fact what living among mortals could do to our aura.

What was surprising, however, was how Xiōngdì had insisted that Jiejie take a break and meditate in the vast Kunlun mountains to cultivate and stabilize her spiritual energy. 

 When father had looked reluctant, he had begged and pleaded with him on her behalf. I had never seen Xiōngdì like that: desperate.

Father had agreed, for it was the first time Xiōngdì had asked for something. I was surprised, to say the least, for all though he was protective of both of us, he was always distant. Thus, it was beyond me why he had taken it upon himself to come and talk to Father on Jiejie's behalf.

That was the first time I had felt jealous of Jiejie. Wasn't I the one always next to him? Did he not trust me, want me, need me to be by his side, as a brother, a partner!?

At the time, though, I had let it go. Maybe, Xiōngdì was only watching over Jiejie, just like he did over me when I returned from dangerous missions.

 Alas, that wasn't the case. Xiōngdì had fallen for Jiejie. And together, they had done the unthinkable. They had brought an abomination in our midst. 

Not only had he betrayed my trust in him, but he had gone a step further and tried to speak for and protect the abomination as well. 

Xian, he had called it! 

Why, Xiōngdì!? Why!? 

Though I had felt disappointed, I couldn't bring myself to hate him. I could never hate him. I loved him. Yet, I couldn't stand to look at him; I couldn't bear to look at him standing next to Jiejie; I couldn't let him be hers.

And as Heavenly Father's wrath had fallen on him, I had stood by and watched as he faced him head-on. It had scared me, for I recognized the look in our father's eyes. I knew that his sword wanted to taste blood, the blood of his oldest, most beloved son, YiJun.

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