Part 1 : Reconcile

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YiJun's POV

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YiJun's POV

When I open my eyes, a heartbreaking sight greets me. While my soul was dragged to the underworld, someone had hurt Xian. 

 My first thought is to draw blood. I wouldn't spare the one who had dared to lay a hand on what was mine.
I lean in to inspect, but he recoils.


He had never done that!

Unless... Unless I was the cause of it. I was the one who had hit him.
Bile rises to my throat. "I did that... I hurt you again." I am not asking him. I am just confirming, admitting the crime I had committed.

He gulps and moves towards me; it exposes his bare shoulders and chest. Bruises line his neck, shoulders, and chest, and I realize that I had not just hit him...I had tried to...

I can't bring myself to complete the thought. I couldn't bring myself to confess it even to myself.

Xian tries to cover himself, cementing my fears that it was, indeed, my doing. I had never hated myself as I do now. I need to fix this.

It dons on me at that point that my superhuman strength was the reason for Xian not being able to protect himself. It had happened because I was stronger than him. I could not let that happen again. I won't.

Even after what I had done to him, he reaches for me. I know what he wants to say. He wants to absolve me of my sins.

How far did I go? I want to know, but I don't deserve it. I don't deserve his answer.

I tell him to leave, and he does so reluctantly. I lock the door as an extra measure. What I want to do... what I am going to do, I can't have Xian barging in on me.

My mind was made up, but my heart was selfish. I missed my family: father, Xuan, Jian. I wanted to return to doing what I was created for: vanquishing evil. 

Even after all the time I have spent away, I still haven't stopped hoping to return to heaven with Xian. I wanted to believe that if father saw how pure and perfect Xian is, he would accept him.
But now I realize that they were just lies I had told myself. And now, because of my desires, I had put my Xian in danger. If I had cut off my ties earlier, I would not have put Xian in this situation.

I am sorry, my prince.

I get dressed in the robes that my father had created for me. Though it doesn't shine like before, it still clings to its celestial charm. I want to feel it against my skin one last time before I become unworthy of it. I pull out my sword and unsheath it. The room fills with light. 
It looks and feels like home.

As I stand in front of the mirror, centuries of leading armies of heaven flutter across my eyes.

I will never be that strong ever again. 
But I didn't need to be, did I? I did not need them anyway. I was not responsible for the mortals. I just had to protect one boy.

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