Part 1 :- Weakening Restrains

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Xian's POV

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Xian's POV

After making up my mind to do as I was told, with a twist, of course, I had walked out with confidence and done my best to be nice to Qing and horrid to her brother.

Why? Because when I had entered the hall, I had found the man, standing a little too close to Jun.

Why hadn't Jun moved away!?

Did he perhaps find the man gorgeous?

Yes, the man whose voice had made me feel strange was gorgeous. Gorgeous to the point that made me uncomfortable and insecure. I knew I was acting stupidly, for, in my heart, I was sure that Jun was Mine, now and forever.

The other reason why I had not wanted to be anywhere around him was because I did not want to hear him: his voice.

I had done the bare minimum that was expected of me and left with Qing as soon as I could. I knew I had angered and embarrassed Jun. But I knew he would get over it- He always does, my Jun.

On arriving at my room, Qing had immediately gone around it and looked at my books, pictures, toys, and more. Basically, everything that she could see, she had touched. I hadn't stopped her. No, I wasn't comfortable with it, not in the least. But I had concluded that the time she spent engaging herself, is time I didn't have to pretend to be nice to her or talk to her.

Unfortunately, there was only so much she could see or touch. Once she had surveyed my room, she had turned to me and expected- I didn't know what she expected, so I suggested we play video games. After all, that's what I did when Jiang Cheng dropped by. And as for Mianmian, she never came to visit alone, and even if she did, she never stayed for long.

Luckily, Qing had nodded and made herself comfortable on my bed. I wanted to push her off- she was on Jun's side - but I restrained myself, and after setting up the console, we got playing.

Soon, she had relaxed. She was very competitive; I had not expected that. And the truth was, I was enjoying myself. She was much better than Cheng, who would have thought, right? Every time she did something silly, she laughed; it was contagious, I laughed too. But all the fun we were having stopped when she looked at the door for no reason at all. In that instant, I remembered the way her brother had stood so close to Jun. Jealousy had reared its ugly head again, and I had suggested we grab a snack. She had agreed.

As I had entered, I had found Qing's brother standing close to Jun once again. My temper had flared. I had wanted the man gone. So I had tried to create a scene. I had insulted Jun and hoped that he understood what I was doing. Luckily, he had understood my intention and reprimanding me, had told me that I was grounded.

Happy but pretending to be pissed, I had stomped off to my room and banged the door shut to make it look authentic.

As I hear the door open and close, I can't help but chuckle. I wait for a few more seconds and rush to the hall. I find Jun leaning on the door with his back turned towards me.

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