Part 2 :- Missing You

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YiJun's POV

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YiJun's POV

On my way to meet with my editor, I can't help keep my mind on the road or on the meeting that was going to decide if my book would be adapted into a movie or not.

Yes, I am a writer. I write fantasy books. I specialize in writing about angels and demons. Ironically, in all my books, demons almost always win.

Why? Because I am jealous of them. Yes, they are condemned. But they can live their life without feeling guilty. They can love who they want without feeling like they are doing something terrible... something immoral... something sinful.

I don't even realize that I have now been driving for over half an hour when I reach my destination.

I hand over my car keys to a wallet and walk into 'Emperor's Cafe', one of the most well-known restaurants in Beijing.

"I am here to meet Mr. Jin," I inform the smartly dressed hostess, and am escorted to a quiet corner away from the prying eyes of the rest of the public having a late breakfast at the Cafe.

Jin knows me well. He knows that I hate crowds and socializing. He sees me approaching, and walks over to greet me.

"YiJun, how have you been, old friend." Jin greets, taking my cold hands in his warm ones, smiling at me.

Jin, has been my editor for almost ten years now. When I had first met him, he was a young man in his early twenties. With bright eyes and a welcoming dimpled smile, I had liked him instantly.

His father was the one who had introduced us when he was retiring, "Mr. Wang, please support Jin and overlook his flaws." The old man, had said.

Now, ten years later, Jin is one of the few people who I can call my friend. We are not very close by any means, but I know I can trust him to keep my identity a secret.

By identity, I don't mean what I am.

Jin doesn't know that I am a fallen angel. But he does know my name and where and with whom I live. And he has never disclosed it to anyone.

'Wangji' That's my pen name. It's what everyone knows me as.

To keep my identity a secret after falling, I had realized two things almost immediately. One, that I needed to conceal my aura, and second, I needed to earn money, and make a living.

Archangels feel hunger too.

The first few days of my life among humans were like a learning experience. Luckily for me, humans, especially human females were always willing to lend a hand, provide shelter...and much more.

But very quickly, I realized that with a newborn child, that was not the best way to live.

I had observed humans since time immemorial, so I knew what was expected of a guardian... a care taker....a protector.

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