Part 1 :- Incorrigible

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YiJun's POV

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YiJun's POV

The first moment when Meimei had handed him to me, I had fallen in love with Xian.

At the time though, my heart had wanted just one thing. My heart had wanted to protect the newborn child in my arms. My existence, meant nothing, if he was not in it. As soon as I had laid my eyes on him, he had become my whole universe.

Why did this half human, half angel, have this power over me just by the the virtue of existing...I still don't know. Maybe, I will never know.

The absolute truth is, that I love him, like a father, like a brother, like a friend...But I want to be more.

Wrong. Immoral.

I am a fallen angel. I have fallen in my father's eyes already. I don't want to fall in my sister's eyes as well. So I do what I am supposed to, I protect this child. I protect him from the world... And from myself. Always.

He is not a child anymore. He has grown... only getting more beautiful and alluring as the days go by.

The nightmares had started a few days after Xian had turned three, right about the time I had tried to make him sleep on his own.

Xian was a clingy child. He constantly wanted to be held...held by me. No one else would do. I must have fired more than a dozen nannies in a month alone when he had started having nightmares.

No one was good enough. No one at all. Except for me.

When my feelings for him had started to loose their innocence, I had decided to distance myself from him.
To achieve this goal, I had tried everything from bribing, scolding and persuading him to distance him from me. Nothing worked.


'How can a three year old child hold his ground against me, the most powerful archangel?' I had wondered. If I would have been capable of sleeping, I am sure I would have lost many days of sleep over it. Lucky for me, I am an Archangel, it's not in my nature to sleep.

When all else had failed, I had done the unforgivable, I had slapped him. He had cried, "You are mean! I hate you." He had yelled and closed the door on my face.

This is exactly what I wanted... Didn't I?

To atone for hitting and hurting Xian, I had grabbed my blade's edge and let my blood flow.

'Maybe my blood can wash away the sin I have committed...the sin of hitting, my Xian.' I had thought at that time.

I was wrong. I never stopped regretting the fact that I had hit him.

Never again.

I still have the scar from the cut I had given myself that day. It stays there to remind me of my sins... of my failures.

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