Part 1: Revelations

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YiJun's POV

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YiJun's POV

I open my eyes to the image of Xuan slumped over Jian. He is calling her name over and over again in desperation while rocking her petite frame gently.

"Didi, what happened?" I enquire, rising from the bed. I can sense raw celestial power coursing through every fiber of my being just like it had done before the fall.

Jian stares at me. His eyes are bloodshot. "Xiōngdì, I can't feel her spirit." He gestures me to hold her hand, and to my dismay, I too fail to sense it.

"This is impossible." I shake my head and glance at my palm and wrist. They are blemish-free. Let alone my physical wounds, I couldn't even feel the venom that the binds of agony should have invariably left inside me.

No, she couldn't have...she shouldn't have!

"Xuan!" I pull my sister into my arms and hold her to my chest. "Meimei, what did you do?" I demand, fearing the worse.

"Gege," Her eyes open a smidgen before closing on me again. Her lips turn up in a small relieved smile, "it worked..."

"Jiejie!" Jian moves closer to us, and our sister reaches her hand out for him to take, "Ah-Jian, I will live. But my sacrifice will count to nothing if you don't help Gege return to Xian."

"Meimei, what did you do?" I enquire again, but she shakes her head, "Hei Chi will tell you that he wants to reconcile with father."

"Xuan," I stroke her head, "Tell me what you did, please."

"Gege, don't fall for his lies. Don't let yourself get captured. You have your strength now. You can protect us...and Xian."

"Xiōngdì, what is she talking about?" Jian's gaze drifts towards me, seeking answers I wasn't prepared to give him.

"Wait," I instruct and turn my attention back to Xuan; from her words, I could tell that she had had a vision, and she was trying to warn me.

"I am sorry that I doubted you, Gege." Tears leave her beautiful orbs, "I saw son. He is beautiful." Xuan's fingers fist the fabric over her heart, "He is with Hei Chi, isn't he?"

I nod. "It was Xian's idea to go to him. Hei Chi is possessing a human at the moment. Because of overestimating himself, he made a mistake that I think may have rendered him weak at the moment." I glance at my brother, "Xian is on heaven's side. I tried to convince father, but he doesn't want to believe me."

"If Hei Chi is in the mortal realm, that means the underworld-"

"We can't attack them. That would be breaking the treaty."

"Are you listening to yourself, Xiōngdì? They are the ones who broke it first when they let the unclean out!" As always, Jian's temper flairs.

"We can't get rid of the underworld, Didi."

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