Part 1:- The Unsaid

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YiJun's POV

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YiJun's POV

"Jun... " He says cautiously and I know there is something on his mind.

Were the nightmares more terrible than before?..Did he see something else...something more?

I wait for him to go on, but he goes silent and keeps staring at me with a dazed look in his eyes.

Is he hiding something from me?... Why?

I notice that he has once again forgotten to switch off the washroom lights, and I shake my head disapprovingly before walking past him and going inside the washroom.

"Xian!" I exclaim when I notice that Xian has had a cold shower. Cold showers don't sit well with him. He turns to look at me, and I point towards the bed. He gets what I am trying to say. His face reddens.

"Sorry." He mutters, before going and sitting on the bed. He knows that he has upset me. His shoulders slump.

"Why did you take a cold shower?" I ask, joining him on the bed.

"Sorry." He says, once again and I sigh.

"It's okay.... were you feeling hot?" I ask, and his body tenses a little. I ignore it and check the top of his T Shirt

"Take it off." I instruct, and help him out of his damp T Shirt. I avert my eyes and hand him another T Shirt. He takes it without complaining and wears it. I take the towel to his head and start drying his hair.


He relaxes when I start drying his hair. My fingers move in circular motion and he let's out a deep breath.

He has always liked it.

His body sways and slumps back. I move a little forward supporting his back with my front.

Some things never change.

"Jun," he murmurs, and turns in my arms. He cups my face between his soft hands and smiles.

It's heartbreakingly beautiful.

"Mn?" I ask, holding his shoulders, steadying him.

"You will never leave me right?" He asks with a goofy look on his face.

With the towel just resting on his head, he looks like a child. His words, and the way he is looking at me, takes me back years, when all I wanted, was to protect this precious boy.

I can't help but return his smile, "I will never leave you, my boy." I say, and unexpectedly, he pouts.

My eyes fall on his lips and I can feel my heart beating faster.

No, this won't do.

I look away...but he turns my face towards him, "Jun, I am yours... but I am not a boy anymore." He says, sounding offended.

"Mn?" I ask, not understanding the meaning behind his words.

What did I say to offend him?

His brows crease and he lets go of my face. He removes the towel from his head, and throws it at my chest, "You don't understand anything!" He cribs, before throwing himself on the bed with a flop, and turning away from me.

"Blanket." He orders, when he realizes that I have switched on the air con and I cover his body with a blanket.

"Do you want to hear my latest story?" I ask him, knowing full well what his answer will be.

"No." He bites out, and pulls the blanket tighter around himself.

I sit next to him for a few minutes, hoping to leave, once he is asleep. I wait till his body relaxes, and his breathing evens out before getting out of his bed.

"Jun, lying is a sin." I hear him say, even before I have worn my slippers.
I sigh and get back into bed.

Secretly I am glad that he stopped me from leaving... but he can never know that.

These rare times when he asks for me to be next to him, are all I can ever have of him, with out crossing the line that I have set for myself. So, I have secretly come to cherish these moments... these nights.

Pathetic, am I not?

Once I join him on the bed, and crawl inside the blanket, he does something unexpected, he turns to face me and puts his palm on the side of my face. His body pressing against mine, from chest to knees.

He is almost as tall as me...No, he is as tall as me, I realize at the way our bodies are pressed against each other...slotted together at this very moment.  I will myself to think about the promise I made to my sister eighteen years ago.

"Xian, what are you doing?" I ask, trying to move away, but he doesn't looses his grip. In an attempt to stop me from shifting away, he pulls his body almost completely on top of mine.

"Look at me, Jun." He orders, trying to catch my gaze...and I feel powerless against his warm palm cupping the side of my face. I look into his eyes, and what I see in them, is desire.

No... I must have seen wrong... It's my corrupted mind that is making me see things....making me see what I want to see.

I blink and try to look away again.

Wrong move.

He presses himself closer and moves his face closer still. I close my eyes. I should push him away... I am stronger than him... I can do it... But I don't... I can't bring myself to.

"YiJun....don't you dare close your eyes." He orders, and I suddenly get an intense urge to fall to my knees in front of him and call him master.

I haven't even addressed my Father as master.. and he is the Heavenly Father.

I don't understand what is happening.
"Ok." I say, giving up and looking at him.

"I will never talk to you again, if you leave me, and go to them tonight. Understood?"

I nod and he smiles, "Good." He whispers and before I know it, he leans in and kisses the corner of my mouth.

I gasp and hold my breath...hoping... I don't know what I am hoping for... My heart and body want more, but my mind clearly doesn't agree with that train of thought.

Luckily, the decision is taken out of my hands, when Xian moves and turns away from me.

I leave a breath I didn't know I was holding, but before I can think or do more Xian speaks, "Hold me. I need to make sure, that you are keeping your promise."

"Mn." I say, and nod unnecessarily... It's not like he can see me with his back turned towards me.

I take a deep breath and turn to his side. I move close, and put my hand on his arm. "Are you happy now?" I ask, somewhat relieved. But to my surprise, he takes my hand, and drapes it over his middle. He moves his body back till his back is pressed to my chest. He pulls my hand up and kisses my knuckles before placing them back over his middle and sighing softly, "Now, I am happy."

Unpredictable...warm... Mine.

I smile, before belatedly realizing that I had forgotten to ask Xian, what he had wanted to tell me when I had first arrived in his room. I decide to ask him in the morning, and close my eyes like I always do, pretending to sleep.

{Note :- That's it, please let me know how you are liking the story.

I updated The Lonely Bridge the day before and The Accidental Pet yesterday, so check it out if you haven't already.

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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