Part 3: Risks

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YuTiandi's (Heavenly Father's) POV

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YuTiandi's (Heavenly Father's) POV

Moments ago, I had felt YiJun's presence and ignored it, but now, here he is, on his knees, begging me to listen to him, just like he had done then...before falling.

Jian, who had spotted him while he was being brought in, had rushed to me to beg me not to kill him on sight.

Silly child, how could I end the life of the one I hold dearest with my own hands?

I had told my youngest that I would think about it before dismissing him. Even though I had no intention of ending YiJun's existence, I couldn't let my youngest see my heart.

Xuan had come with the same request shortly after. I had stuck with the reply I had given Jian and made her leave. Even as she left, her eyes were begging me to pardon him. But there was something else too in her gold-rimmed eyes. It was like they were searching for someone.

Could it be that abomination, that son of hers?

I dismiss the angels surrounding YiJun. I didn't need them. I noticed that my son had not lost his wings. It made me happy for some reason.
Happy and curious.

The guard who had escorted him had informed me that YiJun had surrendered and willingly given up his sword upon entering our gate.
His Bichen lay at my feet. I could smell his blood on it and the stench of an unclean.

'Why would Bichen draw its master's blood?' I wondered, and it came to me, YiJun had probably commanded it to draw his blood.


I take my time observing him. He is dressed in robes that he was wearing when he had fallen. His military robes, the ones I had gifted him long ago.

I pace in front of him and feel his eyes following my every move without making it obvious.

I taught you well, my son. Alas...

After putting forth his request, he had just sat there, waiting patiently. He knew not to push me.

I take the throne and ask him to look at me. His eyes are cold. I order him to approach me, and he does. He halts a few steps away and lifts his eyes. His dark orbs scan my face before dipping lower to glance at my sword.
I try to read his mind, but there is nothing there. Empty.

It was a trick I had taught all my children. It was a defense mechanism to protect their minds from enemies in case they fell into the hands of the underworld.

"YiJun," I call, and his eyes snap up. More than anything, I want to know how he survived the fall. So that is what I lead with, "You should be dead." I state, keeping the waves of emotions rising in me from showing.

He keeps mum.

Anger starts bubbling in me once again. "You come here begging me to hear you out, but you refuse to answer me!" I bite out; grabbing his collar, I search his eyes. There is no fear in them. In fact, there is nothing in them. They are lifeless.

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