Part 1:- Greed

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 Xian's POV

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 Xian's POV

As soon as Jun leaves, I start feeling more alone than I have felt in a long time.

Jun, why did you say that you would be okay with me holding someone else... Touching someone else... Kissing someone else?

Jun, am I just a kid... just a charge...just a duty to you? 

I close my eyes, trying to stop my tears from escaping.

Mother, why did you abandon me?

Mother, if I would have never met Jun, don't you think I would have been happy now? 

My chest feels heavy and my breaths become shallow.

Panic attack! 

No. I can't afford to have it now. I try to distract myself. I try to concentrate on my breathing and think of how Jun had acted around me; I think of how he had teased me and kissed the corner of my mouth.

I close my eyes once again and I remember how flushed Jun had looked when he had opened his door with nothing but a towel around his waist.

I know that look. I have seen it many times. It's exactly how I look, standing in front of the mirror after I have...

Jun, were you really taking a shower then? 

Lying is a sin, Jun.

You should know it, you are an Archangel, after all. 

I smile. Whether I am feeling relieved or happy or both, I am not sure. All I know is that I am not sad anymore.

I sigh and pull myself out of the bed. My head feels heavy and I sway on the spot. I realize that Jun was right. Maybe what I need to do is rest.

I lie back down, and sleep takes me.

When I open my eyes, I am not in my bed. 

I find myself in a huge hall, with dark floors and a red ceiling. The floor beneath my bare feet is warm, almost hot. It doesn't bother me though, I feel right at home. 

I look to my side where on a giant throne, sits a man, a gorgeous man with piercings eyes and menacing smirk. 

"Never thought you'd do it, Didi." The handsome man with penetrating eyes chortles. 

I follow his line of sight and see a man lying in front of him. He is bloodied and bruised. 

The man looks up and my heart freezes. 


I try to run to him, but a firm hand on my shoulder stops me, "Xian, you can't." The man tells me. 

I shrug his hand off, "Did you do it? Did you hurt him?"

The man who is oozing confidence, looks at me, and shakes his head, "Xian, is that what you think?" He asks, fringing disbelief.

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