Part 2: A destined meeting

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Xian's POV

(A few hours ago)

YiJun was gone, or so my mind told me, my heart, however, refused to believe it. Maybe that is why I did not break down there and then.

If Jun was truly gone, I would know, right?

Clinging to that small but strong hope, I decided that even without Jun to guide me, I would fight for what he believed in: humanity, and the only way to do that was to stand with Heavenly Father, my Grandfather; with that in mind, I tried to ready myself to face my Grandfather's anger.

I knew that he hated me and was sure that going to heaven would probably end in my demise. Nonetheless, deep down, I also believed that Jun would never let that happen.

Soon, we left the crowded cities behind. With my limbs and neck shackled in a Golden chain that made it impossible to do anything but follow the battalion of winged celestial beings, there was nothing for me to do except follow them.

The air around us (as we traveled faster than any human-made plane) first turned humid, and a few minutes later, dry and cold. It didn't surprise me. I was being taken to the Heavenly realm, and Jun had told me much about hidden portals that served as gateways.

The icy wind made my teeth clatter while Jun's brethren seemed unaffected. Unlike them, I wasn't one with the cold that tore at my skin. It was then that I caught an angel, who was closest to me, observing me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking under the white mask hiding more than half his face. But a moment later, he made a complicated pattern with his fingers midair, and the rest followed suit. The steep nosedive that we took almost instantly disoriented me. It threw me off balance and pain the likes of which I had never endured, shot from the golden chains, making me double up.

Maybe this was the end, the voice inside me reckoned, even as I fought to find my footing...midair.

I was about to give up fighting for my life when a pair of arms broke my fall. It reminded me of Jun somehow.

"I got you." The masked angel whispered, holding me against him securely before glancing at what I presumed were his subordinates and added authoritatively, "We were ordered to bring him to Father. Only he can decide the boy's fate. He can't escape me with these chains around him."

I noticed that the angel that had rescued me was now hovering a few feet above the ground. The rest were standing with their heads lowered.
The angel unexpectedly laid me down on the cold hard ground. His jet black wings, identical to Jun's, disappeared behind his back, and he continued in the same authoritative tone, "I need to have a word with him before he sees father. Your work here is done. Return to father's side. Don't lower your guard. By taking the boy, we have angered Hei Chi. He is sure to retaliate."

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