Part 2 :- The Unheard

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{Note :- Scenes depicting violence, somewhere in the middle of the chapter. Readers discretion is advised. }

Xian's POV

It's bright when I open my eyes...a little too bright.
I find myself lying face down, on the cold hard floor.
'Jun...? ' I whisper, the surroundings remind me of Jun. I stand up, and look around.

White, an endless ocean of white marble is all that my eyes can see.

'JUN.' I whisper a little louder, and begin to walk aimlessly towards...I don't know what I am walking towards.

Am I even moving?

The endless white continues to stretch till a familiar scent makes me stop, and look around.

'Sandlewood... Jun.' My mind supplies, and I start following the scent.
The further I walk, the stronger the scent gets.
Soon, the scent is not so pure's's familiar.

It's blood.

I start running. I feel my heart constricting and bile rises in my throat, I decide to swallow it back, and keep running.

Slowly I see vague forms marking the pure white marble floor.

I run closer, and the mark start taking humanoid shape.

A woman, and two men...and something else.

A few seconds later that 'something' takes shape too.

It's a tree.

A tree with something tied to it.

I keep running.

It's a man.

It's my Jun.

I slow down. My eyes are glued to Jun.

He is tied up. He is bleeding.


I keep walking. I look around. There is no place to hide. I am afraid that if I go any closer, I will be caught.

Would it get Jun in more trouble?

I reduce my pace further, hoping to avoid being detected. The two men have their backs turned towards me and the woman who was standing next to the two men just moments before, falls to her knees.

She is crying.

She lifts up her face, and holds the taller man's hand.

"It's okay sister." I hear Jun speak, and the woman looks at him.

"It's not okay, Gege." The woman says, her voice cracking, she looks at the taller man again, and pleads, "Father, please don't. He doesn't deserve this. You love him... don't you? You are the Heavenly Father... you can change the rules... Father, I beg you. Please don't let it happen."

'This is heaven.' I realize with a start, and my feet stop moving. This is Jun's family....the family that hates him...the family that he had turned his back on... For me.

Shivers run down my spine, and for the first time, I realize how cold it was out here.

I have to rescue Jun at any cost. He is in trouble with his family, because of me. If I beg the Heavenly Father, maybe he will let Jun go.

He will probably kill me, but it will be worth it if that will make him forgive Jun.

I walk confidently towards the taller man, The Heavenly Father.

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