Part 1 :- Wishes

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Xian's POV

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Xian's POV

I have never seen Jun sleep. He sleeps after I go to bed and wakes up before dawn. I, on the other hand, love to sleep. So imagine my surprise, when I wake up, and find Jun not only fast asleep, but fast asleep on top of me.


His body doesn't seem so cold anymore.

"Jun," I whisper. He doesn't move. A sudden illogical fear enters me, and I press my thumb to his wrist.

I feel his veins throbbing under the gentle press of my thump, and relief floods me. It still puzzles me though, Jun sleeping so peacefully in my arms.

Today is day one. I need to make the most of it. The way Jun's body is plastered to mine sets my heart racing, yet I have never felt so calm. His arm is resting on my chest right over my heart, and his face is buried in the crook of my neck.

I tilt my head, trying to catch a glimpse of his resting face when I feel warm lips brushing the nape of my neck.

Is he already awake? Is this where he realizes how close he has let himself get to me? Is this where he pushes me away to seek the cold sheets of his bed?

"Jun?" I whisper again and try to move.

"Ummm..." He hums, and his fingers fist my shirt, pulling me closer.

Is he dreaming? What is he dreaming about? Who is he dreaming about?

With great difficulty, I will my sleepy, numb arm to move and drape it over Jun's shoulder.

He hums again, and his lips brush the nape of my neck. I feel a slight throbbing pain where I had just felt Jun's lips, and I touch it.

"Isssss!" I wince. My skin is swollen, and tender. It's a Hickey!

My already racing heart starts to thump wildly.

Did Jun do this?

Why didn't I wake up!?

But what's happened has happened, I can't change it now. It's time to make new I decide to risk it, and cup Jun's face.

He hums his approval, and I decide to misbehave a little. I tilt my head towards his face, making sure that it presses against his lips.

Holding my breath, I wait. And a second later it happens.

Jun's hand moves to the nape of my neck, and his mouth latches on to the side of it.

I low moan leaves my chest when he sucks hard. Instinctively, I pull him closer and close my eyes.


His fingers worm themselves in my hair and he tugs at my strands.

"Jun!" I moan softly as the waves of pleasure that hit me. I bit my lips almost drawing blood to stop myself from cumming.

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