Part 2: Decisions

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Jian's POV

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Jian's POV

After delivering Xiōngdì to my father, I tried my best to keep out of the situation.

A few days ago, when Xuan Jiejie had revealed the truth to me, I had run to father, intending to tell him everything. Had it not been for her stopping me in the nick of time, I would have undoubtedly done just that.

I am glad Xuan Jiejie had sworn me to secrecy that day. For, if I had done what I was planning on, it would have put Xiōngdì's life in jeopardy. Father hadn't forgiven him, nor had he forgotten how he had raised his sword to him. However, I could see that he still adored him. I was not the only one who had noticed that.

Jiejie had wanted to visit the mortal realm to seek out Xiōngdì and her son. I was against it. 'Father will think you have betrayed him as well if you do that.' I had warned her; luckily, she had listened. However, she had made me pledge that, if and when Gege returned, I must stand by her even if it meant standing against our father.

I had agreed. I had to. I wanted to right the wrongs my jealousy had caused.

"General." Someone rushes towards me out of breath, putting a stop to my musings. "General, I think the Jade Emperor is going to kill him...General YiJun."

"What!? Isn't Xuan Jiejie with them now?"

"No. She left. The screams started after that." He informs.

"General Jian, you need to save YiJun. We have information that Hei Chi is gearing up to attack us. You saw the condition of our guards at the Golden gates in, didn't you? No one except YiJun can save us."

His words agitated me for a fraction of a second,  but then I turn and see who it is.

"Elder Meng, please calm down. Father won't hurt Xiōngdì...he can't." I reassure him; nonetheless, the seed of his doubt takes root in my mind. I call a passing guard and instruct him to escort the old man to his quarter.

Elder Meng was the guardian of the eternal tree. For him to have left his position next to the source of all life in existence and rush over to me meant trouble. I dash towards the throne room at once.

Still, a few hundred meters away from my destination, the screams of agony fall on my ears. I run faster and soon, arrive in the room. I find the white floors smeared in blood. My eyes follow the rivulets of red and come to rest on my Xiōngdì's bloodied form.

"Father!" I call, but it's like he can't hear or see me. Fury masks his countenance. Instantly, I leave the place and run to Jiejie's place.

When I reach Kunlun mountains and enter her cave, I find her on the verge of collapsing. However, before I can relay my words, she loses conciseness.

An idea takes form in my mind, and I return to my father's side, "Father, something has happened to Xuan Jiejie!" I yell to get his attention.

As expected, my sister's name pulls him out of his haze of fury. He turns to me, "What did you say?" His hands fall to his side and his brows knit.

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