Part 2 :- The Deal

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YiJun's POV

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YiJun's POV

At 6 AM, I leave Xian's bed and go back to my room. I sit on my bed and recall the things that had happened between Xian and myself, the night before.
I feel my pulse racing at the thought of how I had felt when he had commanded me.

Why did I answer him?

What changed?

Why couldn't I refuse him!?

My heart feels heavy with guilt when I remember what all I had confessed to him the night before. I find myself replying the feel of his lips on my neck... on the corner of my mouth. I find myself craving for more...

Don't think about it, Jun.

I close my eyes trying to empty my mind, but it drifts without my permission. It reminds me of the warmth that Xian's hands radiated when he had cupped my face. It reminds me of the way our bodies slotted together so perfectly when he had pressed himself against me. And finally I remember how warm and inviting his skin felt under my lips and I can't help moan in frustration... desperation....lust.

Wrong.... So very wrong.

I feel dizzy... dizzy with want... I want to taste every part of what's Mine!
Shivers run down my spine at the images my mind supplies me with, and I fall to my knees.

I join my hands in prayer... But I don't know who to pray to... Or what to pray for... All I know is that what I had just wanted to do was wrong.
What would Meimei think... how would she feel if she knew what I wanted to do to her son...the very boy, I had vowed to protect.

I don't even know how to atone for my sins...And the worst of it is, that even though I know what I want is wrong, I can't bring myself to stop wanting... stop wanting him...
Wanting him in each and every way I can have him... I wanted all of him.

Stop it, Jun... Just stop it.

I have barely started to calm down and reign in my feelings, when there is a knock on the door.

I know who is on the other side, and I am not ready. I am not ready to face him yet.

I remain silent. Maybe he will leave if I don't answer him.

"Jun, I made you breakfast." His voice informs. "Let's have breakfast together."

I look at myself and find that the thoughts from last night had not only effected my heart and mind, but my body as well.

There is no way I can go out like this.

I run to the washroom keeping the door ajar so that I can hear him...his voice.


When I don't respond he continues , "I know you are busy today... Please just have this meal with me. Cheng and Mia will be here in an hour or so. I have made plans with them.. I mean,  I think they have made some plans... They have kept it a secret.. I will probably be out the whole day... I won't see you the whole day. Just please... "

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