Part 4: Revelations

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Xian's POV

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Xian's POV

My mind is buzzing with all the things that Hua...Hei Chi has shared with me. So, it doesn't come as a surprise that as soon as I lie down on the bed, I remember why I had agreed to meet him so late in the evening.

Jun... I had completely forgotten to ask him about Jun's call. I can't help but wonder if it was just his excuse to talk to me. Anyway, I am glad that I didn't bring up Jun. If I had, I would have looked like I was interested in knowing about him. The lesser I mention Jun, the better the chances were to convince Hei Chi that Jun was not an angel.

I wait to fall asleep, but it eludes me. I think about what Jun must have been up to since the time we had parted. Though it has only been a week since I held him in my arms, it feels like a lifetime has passed already. My body craves his touch, and my heart his love.

Jun, why did you not call me?

Not able to fall asleep, I decided to give studies a shot. After all, if I have a future to go back to once this ordeal is over, I would have to prove myself in this competitive world. Holding on to that hope for my future, I pick up the book closest to me and busy myself with it.

"Xian," The sound of my name riding on the wings of the cold night breeze entering through the open window distracts me. I peek outside, wanting to know the source, but nothing catches my eyes. Instead, a strong gush of icy cold wind forces me to shield my eyes for a second.

Keeping my eyes shut, I close the window. I turn to grab my jacket and almost let out a yelp of joy. Almost.

I find Jun standing in front of me dressed in jet black attire. It is the same one gifted to him by the heavenly father. His face is calm, and his lips are slightly upturned. His eyes are fixed on me. They hold an expression I hadn't seen in ages.

"Xian, how have you been?" He enquires, taking a step towards me.
Apprehension takes me in its grip. There was something wrong with Jun. It did not sound like him at all.

I school my features into one of fear and look around. "Who let you in?" I demand, backing up towards the door. "Did Mr. Zhu let you in? Please leave. I haven't forgotten what you did to me! If you try anything, I will call security." I command, showing him the door.

He was in front of me after a week of missing him...not knowing where he was and what he had been up to. I should have wanted to hold him...kiss him, but the brief moment of excitement on seeing him in front of me had given its place to apprehension.

What if it was some kind of trap laid down by Hei Chi? Perhaps he had done something to me without my knowledge.

I wasn't sure if the man in front of me was mine or an imposter sent by the king of the underworld to test me.
I had to be absolutely sure that the person in front of me was indeed my Jun.

"Xian," The man calls and reaches for my hand. The way he says it exudes the kind of fondness I have never experienced firsthand.

I stagger back till my back collides with the door. I don't know why I am scared...I can tell that this person, whoever it was, posed me no harm.

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