Part 1 :- Innocent Sin

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Xian's POV

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Xian's POV

I don't know why I mentioned Qing; I had not planned on it. But when Jun chose to hear me out, I guess I panicked. Yes, I want Jun. In every way I can have him, I want him. But what I most want is for him to stop sleeping with random women just for my sake. Since the time he had confessed to me why he did it, I had not been able to stop thinking about it. It hurt me to think how Jun must have felt all these years, just doing it.

But when I had tried to suggest what I had in mind, Jun had not even been ready to listen, and I had fucked up; I had used The Voice. Regret had filled me soon after, but it was already too late. Jun had become furious. And rightfully so. I had stolen a kiss from him without his consent just before dawn, and I had ignored his will and forced him to answer me merely hours later.

What kind of person does that!?

What kind of person takes without consent?

Was my mother really an Archangel like you? If yes, then why am I nothing like you?

I don't realize that I had gone silent till Jun taps my shoulder, "Xian, what's wrong?" He asks in a concerned tone, like always.

I am about to answer him when I notice that he looks a little pale. His eyes are sad, and his usually straight back is not that straight anymore. He looks like he is coming down with a fever.

"Jun, are you feeling alright?" I ask, feeling like I am the reason for him looking like this.

Had my request bothered him that much?

He gives me a small smile, "Of course I am fine, my prince." He says, trying to sound upbeat. He fails; his smile doesn't reach his eyes like it usually does. 

Something is definitely bothering him, I realize, and without warning, I launch myself at him. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself into his lap. "Forget about it. You don't have to do it if you don't want to." I lean away and shake my head, "You know what, forget that I asked. Forget about Qing. Forget about the kiss."

Unexpectedly, however, Jun smiles, "Are you worried that you made me sick?" He asks, caressing my cheek, "You are a young man. It is but natural for you to have these feelings. It must be nice to love someone like that." He says wistfully. "I wish I could too." He adds as an afterthought.

His words confuse and confound me, "What do you mean, Jun?" I ask, and he shakes his head, "Nothing." He replies, continuing to give me a sad smile, and adds, "I...I can teach you how to kiss. But the truth is, I have never kissed out of love. Would you be okay with that?" He pauses and hesitates before continuing, "You love Qing. You want to make her feel with actions, not words."

"I don't understand."

"My prince," Jun ruffles my hair and elaborates, "When Heavenly Father made me, he wanted me to do his bidding. He did not want me to get emotional when it was time to pass judgment. So he made me incapable of feeling many human emotions."

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