The Forsaken

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Hei Chi's POV

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Hei Chi's POV

For Eons, father has neglected us, suppressed us and treated us unfairly.


Just because we wanted that, which was only for humans....Humans, what is so special about them anyway?

They plunder and kill and hate. They take and take and take.... Ungreatful, resentful, proud... Ha!

Once, long before father decided to create YiJun, he had made us, me and my brother. He gave us a heart... He gave us a soul... He gave us feelings.  Yet, when we dared to feel, he threw us out..he took our wings.


Homeless and without the thing that made us what we are, what were we to do?  Where were we supposed to go?

So I did what what any lost child would do, I fought, I rebelled and I tried to destroy the thing that I once loved and tried kill the one who created me.

What father did next, did not surprise me. In fact it would have surprised me more, had he not done what he did.

He created YiJun, his beloved son. He called YiJun, his first born.

Lies.... All lies.

Father gave more of everything to YiJun, more power, more control.... more siblings even. But father had learned from his mistake, he did not give YiJun what he gave us so generously. He did not give YiJun, a heart that could feel... That could love... That could want.

Well done father... Very Well done.

At that time, I often used to wonder, how life would have been, if we did not rebelled. Would we have been happy? Or would we feel like birds trapped in golden cages?

But nineteen years ago, all that changed. Father, unknowingly gave me a golden chance, a chance to set things right once more... And I took it... I took the chance... I risked it all...and I almost won too.

Unfortunately though, the very thing that I was trying to restore back to heaven, was the thing that in the end lead to my plan backfiring... And I lost more than a chance.... I lost my brother.

I was heartbroken and angry once more. For now I was alone... More alone than when I had started. My soul was filled with hate and regret. For I had once again lost the chance to set things right....a chance to rise... Rise from the depths of the underworld that had accepted me, when my father had thrown me away, to claim that, which is mine. Mine by rank and by birth.

My only solace however came from the fact that Heaven too was not without losses. Yes, I had lost my brother, but father had lost his beloved YiJun too.

YiJun, the apple of father's eyes had fallen... Fallen, trying to protect that, which was Mine. Mine to take, and to command.

So imagine my surprise, when now, eighteen years after I had lost my chance, I had heard the call of my blood.

It was barely a whisper, but it was there, like was like a child's pulse in his mother's womb, it was there... faint, but full of life and possibilities.
And this time, I will not let anyone else do my bidding. I will not hide behind the shadows pulling strings. I will go head to head with that, which comes in my way... in my to claim that, which is mine.

And I shall not rest, till he doesn't accept me...till he doesn't bend his knees to me....till all of him, is mine.
For I am a King too. A King, that commands all that the tree of life rejects.

I am the King of the underworld....The true first born.

I am the forsaken prince of Heaven.

{Note :- New character... Yay... And it's my boy Deng Lung 😍

More on him will be explained in the coming updates.

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Have a nice day.}

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