Part 3: Revelations

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Hei Chi's POV

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Hei Chi's POV

Xian's mere presence brings me peace; his eyes, the way he quirks his brow and laughs...even his walk reminds me of my beloved Zhen, my brother, the only one who stood by me.

Having Xian next to me filled the emptiness Zhen had left behind when he was struck down by heaven.
We have been spending meal times together, Xian and I. Mostly, we discuss YiJun's works.

I am still unsure if Xian's guardian is heaven's sword...the great General that father had pinned his hopes on after abandoning me.

I don't know if Xian fancies him, but he is definitely taken with his works.
From what Dong had reported to me and how Xian had reacted to me when YiJun's body was under my control, I was left confused about whether he was the fallen angel I was looking for.

There was also the fact that Xian was still untouched; if YiJun was indeed an angel, there was no way they would be able to deny the pull.

Anyway, I have stopped thinking about all those things...for now.
Xian is with me, and as long as he is by my side, no one can stop me from taking over the Heavenly Realm.
No celestial being had the power to defy Xian; the boy was the underworld's most powerful secret weapon.

Over the past few days, I have been contemplating whether I should tell Xian the truth...the whole truth, but I can't comprehend how he might react.

Though my voice worked on him, he had refused to surrender to it; it was like there was a wall around his soul, keeping me from touching it...influencing it, and with time, it had only grown stronger.



What had eventually pushed me to have 'the talk' with Xian was a call from YiJun that evening before we had sat down for supper.

'I need to see you.' That is all the recluse had said before suggesting that we meet; promising to get back to him with the details, I had disconnected the call.

I had no choice but to tell Xian the truth; I wanted him to stay and wanted him to return with me to the underworld willingly.

That evening when I tell him that his father was an angel, I expect him to dismiss the thought or ridicule me, but he doesn't do that.

Xian's curiosity is palpable when he gives me a chance to elaborate.

"Before humans came into existence, there was light and darkness both were born out of the lifegiving tree that stands tall in heaven's garden till date." I started, and he nodded, gesturing me to go on.

"The two opposites, both unrestrained, collided till a line was drawn to separate them; 'The Light' became the Heavenly realm, and the dark lay the seeds that became the foundation of the underworld.
Unsatisfied with being controlled, darkness broke out, threatening to swallow its creator; to defend itself the eternal tree created Bǎohù; as with all else, its counterpart Qūzhújiàn came into existence as well."

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