Part 1 :- Guilty

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Xian's POV

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Xian's POV

Last night, I made Jun spend the night with me. I knew he didn't want to, but I forced his hand, nonetheless.

Am I ashamed of myself? No, I am not.

I don't know why that is, but without anyone to interrupt us, I can see how special I am to Jun. Sometimes I feel that the pull I feel towards him is mutual. Like he wants the same thing I do. But something is stopping him. I want to know what that is.

Last night when I teased him, he pinned me down and settled over me. It was only for a few moments, but in those few moments, I had felt that he wanted to kiss me. Of course, I can't be sure.

He never does anything but take care of me, but something has changed. Like the wall separating our two worlds has cracked. His eyes linger on me and so do his touches. That I can be sure of, but I don't know if he is doing it of his own free will or something in me is making him do it.

I want him, but not if he doesn't want me.

When I open my eyes, it's still dark outside. The lantern that Jun had lit had gone out hours ago, but the tent is glowing.

It's Jun; he is glowing. I can see his aura. It's brighter than it was two days ago.

So he wasn't lying after all. He does sleep with them to protect us. Now that I know the truth, it hurts more. It's suffocating, this feeling of helplessness.

I look at Jun's face and see the remnants of a faint smile on his lips.

Are you dreaming again, Jun?

I tilt his head up. "Are you having a good dream, Jun?" I ask his sleeping form, and he hums.

As he pulls me closer, a thought comes to my mind. I decide to use The voice again and see if it works. "Jun, sleep till I don't tell you to wake up," I command and wait for a minute.

I wave my hand in front of his eyes to check, but he doesn't move. Next, I ruffle his hair and pinch his cheeks; he doesn't respond.

Finally, I gather my courage and lean in. I kiss the corner of Jun's lips and look at his closed eyes.


Having confirmed my doubts, I become braver; I become shameless.

I trace his lips with the pads of my fingers; it's something I have wanted to do for a long time, and once I have committed the feeling to my memory, my lips replace my fingers. Our lips mate for a second. It's as I had expected. Soft and cold.

I am aware that I am doing it against his will, but I tell myself that I am doing it for a reason.

I lean away and look at his aura. Unfortunately, it's still the same. With the justification for my actions gone, I feel ashamed and embarrassed.

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