Part 2 : Tainted (Tested)

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YiJun's POV

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YiJun's POV

It starts with a pull. It's like a tiny insect, insignificant. Maybe that's why I miss it; ignore it. It can't harm me. I am an archangel, after all. Thinking like that was a mistake. For after that, I fail to notice it till it is too powerful. Too dark for even my sword to pierce it. Anger floods me, "That's not important. Just tell me, did you notice any mark on your body!" As soon as I give in to the rage, the pull I had ignored returns with a vengeance.

I feel like my soul is slowly being pulled out of my body. I can see Xian, but I can't hear him. He is concerned. He wants me to respond. I open my mouth, but the words are not mine, yet, I can hear myself say them. My limbs hear my command, but I know they are not mine. How could they be, for I was forcing myself on Xian? I try to hold on and hang on to all that I called mine: my body, conscience, and Xian. But I fail.

Dark abyss surrounds me. Blinding me. Invoking fear and trepidation in my heart. I try to move. I need to get back to Xian; I can tell that he needs me. But I can't seem to move.
I see a glow. It's deep red: the color of blood. It's what is holding me in place. Wrapping around my limbs, like a serpent wronged. They dig into my skin. I can't see Xian anymore. Wanting to warn him, I scream. But just like before, I fail.

Soon, the room floods with light. Red light. The color hurts my eyes. I look around. My fear intensifies tenfold.

It's the underworld.

It is at this moment that I realize what had happened. Hua was not some random underworld creature; he was not just someone who worked for Hei Chi. He was Hei Chi, the Supreme Ruler of the underworld.

Immediately, I look within myself and seal off my power: the eternal light that a celestial entity like myself was created with. For if anyone here were to get a whiff of it, my cover would be blown. Making sure that my soul couldn't reveal my identity, I blink.
As my eyes adjust to the harsh light, the haze clouding my vision clears. I see a man. 

'No, not a man, it's Dong,' my mind corrects me as I catch his eyes. His green slits can scare any weak-hearted human to death. The most poisonous serpent of the underworld. A creature who could travel both the realms, human and demon.

I feel my facial muscles relax, but I was not in my body. It was my soul that was being tested.

Dong had never seen my whole face; if I were to scream now, I am sure not only the underworld but father would be able to hear me as well.

My limbs feel like they have been set on fire. But I know that a mortal man, his soul, would not feel this burn. 

All of them are sinners in one way or the other. If it was me before I fell, the pain would have been unbearable. But over the years, I had sinned, and maybe that's why it wasn't hurting me as it should.

I still had a chance. It was a test, I reasoned. Hei Chi wanted to know who I was. 

Where was he? 

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