Part 1: A destined meeting

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YuTiandi (Heavenly Father's) POV

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YuTiandi (Heavenly Father's) POV

Every one of my children has betrayed me. Everyone, except one. Jian, the one I gave least to.


"Father," He calls, making me glance at my feet where Jian is on his knees, with his head bowed. Always faithful.

"Did you really see YiJun burn?" I successfully keep my voice from wavering. My heart...not so much.
I hold my tears at bay and wait for Jian's reply.

"Yes, Father. I recognized the remains of the curse. I caught a glimpse of Hei Chi as he was fleeing the scene. He...he seemed shocked. I reckon he did not intend to use the killing curse on Xiōngdì," Jian's body stiffens. He steals a glance at me and mutters, "YiJun has perished. Father, are you happy?"

Happ!? How can a father be happy receiving such news?

I hold Jian's gaze. The way he is looking at me pains me.

'Ruthless...merciless.' His eyes seem to scream.

I nod. I couldn't kill Hei Chi, for he had assumed the role of the guardian of the underworld. It was beside the point that even if I was permitted to, I wouldn't be able to do it. Taking his wings had broken me. Even after more than a millennia, that wound was still fresh. Thinking back, which I have done often, I realize that it was my biggest mistake.

"Father, what do you want me to do with the boy, Xian?" Jian's question pulls me out of my reprieve.

'What do I want to do with him?' I ask myself for the umpteenth time. The sobbing, pitiful image of Xuan swims across my mind's eyes.

Was I destined to make all my children hate me?

'No, not all of them.' I hear a small, strangled voice inside my head. Yes, I still have Jian.

"Bring him to me," I command and take the throne. "Does Xuan know?" I ask my youngest on his way out.

"No, she doesn't, father," Jian replies before leaving me to mull over the future of the three realms.

YiJun...son, why did you abandon me again? Did you not promise to turn your back on that boy? Then why did you go to him again?

The wetness on my cheek reminds me of YiJun's advice just before he had passed out, 'Father, please contain your spirit.' How was it that only he could tell that I was losing myself? I was not sure when it had started, but I knew I was no more the all-powerful being I once was. All that remained of my power was the title bestowed upon me at the time of creation. And now, even that title was under threat.

The sound of the large arched door creaking pulls my attention to it. I watch Jian enter the hall. In his hands, he holds a silver chain like a leash. The chain is attached to a golden restrain, wrapped around the captive's...Xian's neck.

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