Part 1: Risks

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Xian's POV

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Xian's POV

After having somewhat convinced Jun to seek my mother's help, I feel relieved. I called Qing only to be told that she was busy and couldn't come to the phone. I am about to make an excuse: anything to get me inside when the phone gets handed to Hua. He seems more than delighted to hear my voice and offers to send his car to pick me up. He doesn't even ask why I had suddenly called and wanted to come over.

I bid farewell to a teary-eyed Jun who only agrees to let me go when I remind him that Hua needed me and wouldn't think of harming me. I ask him not to step out to see me off, for Hua had generously offered to send his Merc to come to fetch me.

Upon arriving at the Zhu estate, a sprawling mansion surrounded by lush green gardens with vibrant oriental flora that could fascinate Jun welcomes me. A young man dressed in grey escorts me to the living area where Hua is already waiting for me.
I pull a face, "I was expecting Qing." I state when he asks what had displeased me so early on. He laughs and asks me to make myself comfortable before whispering something to the elderly man standing next to him in a grey attire I had seen on many young men and women on my way in.

As soon as the elderly man leaves, Hua smiles at me fondly. He takes the empty seat next to me. His eyes linger over the nap of my neck for a second before he asks, "So, what brings you here at this odd hour?"

"I needed to get out. I didn't think Qing would mind having me over." I reply vaguely and start looking around the enormous room while observing Hua from the corner of my eyes.

"Do I scare you?" The king of the underworld asks, and I almost chuckle. "Depends." I shrug, picking up the latest issue of vogue from the coffee table and flipping through its pages.

"Depends on what?" He enquires, leaning in, and the fragrance of sandalwood washes over me.

'Hei Chi knows who you are. Act accordingly.' I recall Jun's words
After I had told him what I was planning to do (to infiltrate Hua's home), he had done some digging.

Over the years, he had found and acquainted himself with those who had a direct link to heaven. These individuals, who Jun referred to as Seers or Mouths of Heaven, usually never exposed themselves. Preferring to live a quiet life, they were generally looked upon as madmen if they ever tried to preach what they had seen or heard.

About ten years ago, Jun had found one such seer; his sense had led him to her. She was a Caucasian woman in her sixties who went by the name of Siara. Jun had then released her from the mental asylum where her kin had left her after she had started speaking in Inbian: the language of heaven.

After conceding to let me enter the lion's cave, so to speak, Jun had paid her a visit with me. As soon as she had laid her eyes on me, she had gone berserk. However, after Jun had reassured her that I was his charge, Siara had calmed down. Taking my hands in hers, she had revealed things that were beyond our imagination.

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