The Fall

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YiJun's POV

"Father, please." I beg, falling to my knees. Father is merciful and kind and everything good. Yet, here we are... me on the pearly whites floor of at heaven's gate...begging... pleading.

"YiJun, tell me." He says, picking me up by my shoulders and looking into my once expressionless face, "Why does my son want to go against me after all this time over such a small worthless thing?" His voice is smooth like silk, yet his every word has malice radiating from it.

I remain mute.

"YiJun, I am dissapointed. This behavior, I would never have guessed.. " He trails off.

"Father... " I beg, once again, knowing full well that my pleas were falling on deaf ears. I know that once his mind is made up, no one can change it. He is all powerful after all and that has made him stubborn.

"Get lost. Leave." He bellowes, and shivers run down my spine. Yet, like a fool, I stand my ground. I don't know how it happened, how this small insignificant life, barely a day old, had captured my very soul.

I don't move. I don't dare to look at father either. I hold my hands over my head, palms facing up, and fall to my knees pleading for the infant's life, "Father, I will take care of him. He will never appear before you. I will make sure of it."

He looks at me, like I am a disgusting demon, soiling his pure heaven and not his most beloved first born.
"Traitor!" He yells, and kicks me in the chest. I wince, when the back of my head makes contact with the marbal gates.

It's no use. He will never agree. I know it. And I am ready. I have already been labeled by him as a traitor anyway.

I stand up with difficulty. And with trembling hands, I unsheathe my sword and point it at him, "Father, you leave me no choice. Hand him over... Please." I beg one last time.

I know that these are probably my last breaths,  but I have no regrets. I have already made up my mind, and I won't bulge. I am after all, my father's son.

His eyes widen and the floor under me begins to vibrate. He is angry, and with good reason.
No father would ever want to be in the position I had put him in. But I had no choice.

He opens the palm of his right hand and a sword, twice the size of mine, appears on it. Without warning, he brings it down on me.

I defend myself. That is my only option. I apply eons of military experience and fight. Both of us trying to protect what we value the most.
Father, fighting to protect his place, his authority, his ego and his son. I, his first, fighting to protect the one I had pledged myself to. The one who was Mine, to protect and to serve.

As expected, father is stronger than me. And I know I am fighting a losing battle. I don't care if I survive, but the child, the father is holding to his breast, is precious. He needs to survive. It dawns on me that I had not thought things through before confronting father.

In a brave yet stupid move, I lunge at my father and snatch the whining bundle from his arms.
He had not expected that.
"How dare you!" He roares and raises his sword once more with renewed vigour and brings it down on me.

I close my eyes and wait for death to come me into its embrace, but instead, I feel someone push me.
"GO!" I hear her say.


I fall. With the small bundle held close to my chest, I fall, but not before I hear the sound of swords clashing. And a moment later, a loud scream pierces my heart.

'Meimei...what have you done!?'

{Note :- Yes, a new story

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{Note :- Yes, a new story...Why? Because, it came to me and I had to write it 🤷‍♀ and I love WangXian.
And yes, once more, I am trying a new style.

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