Part 5 :- Wishes

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Xian's POV

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Xian's POV

With the day coming to an end, we had finally made it to the campsite, and as expected, Jun had gotten to work, setting up our shelter, immediately. Like always, he had not asked for my help. Why would he? He was a pro at it. So, I had done what I do best: I had stood and observed the play of muscles on Jun's forearms and back.

I could do that forever. For, it was a sight to behold. Of course, I am careful not to get caught ogling at him. I am sure that wouldn't sit well with him.

As soon as he was done, I had crawled inside the tent seeking warmth. Jun was right. Cold didn't agree with me. Unnaturally so.

I had set up the tent, arranging all of our gear and supplies, before letting Jun know that it was all set.

Unexpectedly, however, I don't hear Jun respond. Worried, I leave the warmth of our shelter and crawl out. I find Jun lost in thought. "Jun?" I call, placing a hand on his shoulder, "What's wrong?" I ask and watch as he looks at the tent and then closes his eyes, "Stupid." He mutters under his breath and goes silent.

"What's stupid?" I question, pulling my jacket tighter around myself and rubbing my arms.

"I will build a fire." He declares abruptly, and a few minutes later, a happily dancing campfire pulls the chill from my body and fills me with warmth.

Jun takes a deep breath and smiles at me, "Better?"

"Much," I respond, and direct a thumbs up at him. He nods and disappears into the tent, only to return a few moments later with his backpack and a straw mat.

He neatly sets it on the ground and gestures me to take a seat whilst he opens the backpack and sets out dinner on the paper plates.

When I keep looking at him, he quirks his brow, "Did I forget something?"

I nod, "Mn."

He looks over the items on the mat and peers into the backpack, "Xian, that's all there is. You can have my share too. I am not hungry."
I sigh and walk over to him, "Jun, " I say dragging him by his forearm and making him sit on the mat.

"What are you doing?" He enquires, resisting halfheartedly.

"Open your legs." I urge, and he questions while complying, "Why?"
Without answering, I make myself comfortable between his legs and lean back, pressing my back to his front, "Now, I am good." I inform, and feel him go still behind me. "Lighten up, Jun." I chirp, and he relaxes, "Your wish is my command, My Prince." He teases, and handing over a plate to me, he commands. "Now eat."

Wolfing down my dinner, I notice that he hasn't started his yet, "Jun, why aren't you eating?"
"I told you, I am not hungry. Eat." He urges guiding my hand to my mouth, and I understand what he is doing; He is making sure that I have enough, like always, taking care of me.

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