Part 3 : Reconcile

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YiJun's POV

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YiJun's POV

I can hear Xian in the shower; my heart aches so does my body. I wasn't lying when I had told Xian that my restraints were weakening. I am struggling not to glance at him...the allure of his body, the pull of his charms...It is taking everything in me not to barge into the shower and hold him, kiss him...claim claimed by him. I am his and his alone.

I realized that there were other things that I had almost missed.

How was Xian able to breach the barrier? He had the blood of the underworld running through his veins, I was sure of it, and only celestial beings could enter it. Only those more powerful than me could make it fall.

"Jun, are you sure you don't want to come and help me?" Xian's words drift over to me. I am ashamed to say that I actually entertain the thought before logic prevails, and I reply sternly, "Just do what you are told!"

I pry that he couldn't see through my words and leave a sigh of relief when I hear him huff.

"So bossy!" He mutters and squeezes the body wash gell. A second later, its fragrance reaches me, and I lose the battle I was fighting with myself since Xian had left my side; I turn around.
I shouldn't have.

True to his words, Xian had left the door ajar. My tongue feels like parchment. My thirst drowns out every other sense. Without realizing it, I get off my bed and enter the bath. Thankfully, the steam rising from the bathtub clears my mind. However, I continue to stand and watch. Thank Father, Xian is immersed in water; his face and naked shoulders are the only visible parts. He rolls his shoulder blades, creating waves in water, making it splash at the rim of the tub.
Xian's lips curl up in a smile. Keeping his eyes closed, he bites his lower lip, "Jun..." he breaths softly. I hold back a moan, turn tail, and rush out.

'What is wrong with you, Jun!?' I reprimand myself trying to calm my thumping heart. 'I love you, Jun.' I recall his words, and it somehow does the trick. Yes, we love each other. Nothing can come between us. I won't let it.

My feet lead me to my study the wheels in my mind start turning again. I wish I could ask Xuan who it was that he had given her heart to. Alas, I had already closed that door when I had fallen. Coming to a dead end on that matter, I think about other similarly pressing issues.

How was Xian able to command my sword and wings?

I was sure that Hei Chi was the one who had pulled my soul to the underworld and that he was presently possessing Hua. Qing would have to be someone close to him; She would have to be someone he trusted, someone who was unconditionally loyal to him.

What Hei Chi had done was against the rules agreed upon in the treaty. Had Hei Chi abandoned all fear? Why, after so many years, had he become so reckless? Was he not afraid of angering Father?

'I am a weapon.' Xian's confession dances at the back of my mind.
Are you a weapon created to bring down my Father, Xian? Are you the reason Hei Chi is so sure of his actions?

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