❤Mine: To Protect and Serve❤

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[A/N: Mature content

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[A/N: Mature content. Reader discretion advised.]

YiJun's POV

To be full: full of joy, warmth, and contentment is all I have ever craved for since Xian came into my life. Of all the years that I spent next to him, not once did I believe that it was possible to have him all to myself without fear or guilt.

I still can't believe it, to be honest. To be with Xian, abandoning all inhibitions, apprehensions, and restrictions, all of it seems like a dream.

Xuan cried over me, and Jian pitied me, but father was different. He knew that for once in my life, I was happy.

Did it matter that I don't have my wings anymore? No, not at all.

Did I care that I couldn't bask in the sun anymore? No. I didn't enjoy it much anyway.

Did I regret Xian choosing us over heaven? Not one bit.

We were free. Free to love the way we wanted. Or at least, that's what I thought before Father entrusted me with a mission.

After taking my wings, Father gave me something to replace them with, something unique. I could tell that in the light of what had happened, my father trusted me now more than he did before. Thus, the only thing I had given up was my freedom to enter the heavenly realm as and when I pleased.

Father was as crafty as he was benevolent.

The reason, why my father had not only absolved my sins, but also blessed me with new weapons became clear shortly.

As soon as I was released, without even giving me a chance to reunite with Xian, he sent me on an errand to seek out the unclean and other demons that Hei Chi had let loose on humanity before laying siege on heaven. My last 'official' service to heaven was to catch them and bring them back to where they belonged: in cages.

Meanwhile, Xian, blessed with The Voice, was to stop more of the underworld residents from escaping.

"Once you have established peace, you can start your life with Xian without obstructions, YiJun," I recalled my father's words as I fought and captured the demons relentlessly and waited (patiently) till I had rid the human realm of every last one.

As I make my way through the darkest pits of the underworld, I wonder how Xian is doing all on his own. After all, he is just eighteen.

Wasn't it a little unfair on Father's part to entrust him with such a big responsibility?

I regret the wayward thought instantly. Father had been kind and generous. His words and actions had shown that he had accepted Xian and had forgiven me. It was I who was selfish.

Selfishness was an inconvenient emotion I had picked up in my stint in the human realm. I knew it would take me ages, if not millennia, to overcome it.

"General," A voluptuous demoness addresses me and bows. Bora, I think that's what she had introduced herself as the day before. She and others like her were power-hungry and were willing to side with the new authority figures: Xian and me.

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