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Xian's POV

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Xian's POV

Jun, is my everything. When I was a child, he was my whole universe, and now that I am eighteen, I want him to think of me as his whole universe.

The earliest memories that I have of Jun, are that of him telling me bed time stories. Stories about unicorns and dragons, castles and enchanted kingdoms, angels and demons.

Angels always won.

He tried to tell me stories about cars and trains and other mundane things too, but I never wanted to hear them. After trying a lot, he had given up and had stuck with magical stories.

Another old, yet clear memory I have of him, is him trying to help me take my first steps. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I was barely thirteen months old when my nanny, a woman in her late fifties had told Jun that I would soon walk. Jun had stopped what he was working on, and had come to stand next to me.

"Xian," he had called my name and offered me his hands.

His hands were always colder than others.

I had taken his hand.

"I will never let you go." He had said, "Now stand up." I had done as I was told and he had smiled.

It was beautiful.

"Xian, now try to do what I do, ok?" he had said and proceeded to help me walk. I kept loosing my balance, but as promised, he never let go of my hand and I never fell.

He kept trying everyday, till finally one day, I took my first wobbley steps without loosing my footing.
I was happy. I looked at Jun, but saw something unexpected. He was smiling, but there were tears in his eyes.

Why is Jun crying? I had thought, but the next moment he had said the words that have never left me. "I am so proud of you, Xian."

Even today, when I feel alone or miserable, I think of those words and those times and they fill me with happiness and hope.

I realized years later that Jun's tears on that day were tears of happiness.

Gradually, during the next few days, as my steps had become steadier, Jun's grip on my hand had weakened. Then one day, he had looked at me encouragingly and let go of my hand.

"You won't fall. I won't ever let you fall, but you don't need me to hold you anymore. You can do it on your own." He had said, stepping away from me and gesturing me to walk.

I was unsure. I was scared. But then I looked at his face, and just like that, my fears had evaporated. I knew it in my heart that Jun would never let me fall, and with my eyes glued to his smiling face, I had taken my first independent steps.

I miss those days. I miss our closeness.  He adored me then, but he doesn't anymore.

It was very gradual, him distancing himself from me. And, I had failed to notice it before it was too late. When I had finally realized what was happening, Jun had already shut himself off and had drifted away from me.

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